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Essay: A short stay in Salzburg -Correction please !

Frage: Essay: A short stay in Salzburg -Correction please !
(6 Antworten)

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Kann mir jemand mein Aufsatz kontrollieren ?
Frage von Esra39 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 30.09.2015 - 19:11

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Antwort von LsD | 30.09.2015 - 19:15
ja, gerne

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Antwort von Esra39 (ehem. Mitglied) | 30.09.2015 - 19:40
Describing Hotel Hello, we will stay in Salzburg for 3 days. We have adhered to us that we meet in Bahnhof. On Thursday we meet at 09:00 . Then we were 12.8. 2015 at the Salzburg.

We took the train to Salzburg. We have entered and gave our suitcases on the shelf. In the cabin i sat with my friends .
Then we talked about us. Shortly we also talked about the Salzburg. In the train, we also had breakfast . After the breakfast I and my friends hear a music. After the 4 hours we get out from the train. We went directly to the next bus and had boarded. From Salzburg to Hotel, it took 1 hours. We made in the train each other jokes.
The hotel is located in Salzburg. It is only 1 from the city centre. It has location where you see the beautiful nature and the mountains. In the location, that`s gives a stories for example billa, merkur and mc donald`s.
The hotel have 400 single and double rooms. The rooms are partly equipped with en suite bathroom and also with Internet access. We don`t supply cleaning materials. In the price is also the breakfast, the lunch and the dinner included.
There are sport facilities for 14-18 years for example the swimmingpool, the disco and the beach volleyball. For 20-25 years peoples give also a sport facilities for example horse riding, disco, beach volleyball and climbing.

In my opinion, the hotel was good, because we were able to make the the activities. It was a actually just perfect and relaxing days :)

Einleitung weiss ich nicht, ob das passt :(

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Antwort von Esra39 (ehem. Mitglied) | 30.09.2015 - 20:19
Können Sie meine Aufsatz kontrollieren ? Bitteee

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Antwort von cleosulz | 30.09.2015 - 20:26
1. Du hast Post. Oben rechts findest du ein Briefsymbol. Schau mal in dein Postfach.
2. Du brauchst deinen Beitrag nicht pushen. Das ist nicht nur unnötig, sondern nach unseren Regeln auch verboten.
=> Überbrücke die Wartezeit bis zur Korrektur doch einfach mal mit der Lektüre unserer Forenregeln =>
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Antwort von cleosulz | 30.09.2015 - 20:27
Was ist das für ein Aufsatz? Eine Reisebeschreibung?
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Beiträge 11947
Antwort von cleosulz | 01.10.2015 - 00:26
Esra39 schrieb auch:

Wir müssen ein Hotel beschreiben.
Es gibt einzelne Punkte, die wir auch berücksichtigen müssen:
Journey to Salzburg
Describe the hotel
Make a judgement

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