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Englische Sätze: Guy Fawkes night - kontrollieren, bitte

Frage: Englische Sätze: Guy Fawkes night - kontrollieren, bitte
(3 Antworten)

Beiträge 16
Hallo e-Hausaufgaben Community,

ich bräuchte bitte eine kleine Korrektur/Hilfe von/bei meinen Englisch Sätze, weil ich nicht sicher bin, ob ich die Sätze richtig geschrieben habe und ob man auch den Sinn der Sätze versteht.

Hier die Sätze:

1. Question: When is Guy Fawkes night celebrated? 

Answer: On the 5th November is Guy Fawkes celebrated.

2. Question: What nearly happened in 1605? 

Answer: In the Cellars of the Houses of Parliament found Guy Fawkes 36 barrels of gunpowder.

3. Question: Where do British people celebrate Guy Fawkes night?

Answer: The people celebrate Guy Fawkes night with bonfire and fireworks in private gardens or at public firework displays.

4. Question: What is a "guy"?
Answer: The "guy" is a model of Guy Fawkes with old clothes and filled with newspaper.

5. Question: Why do children make "guys"? 

Answer: Children put the "guy" on the  top of the bonfire and burnt. Some children go few days ago by the city with their creation and ask for "a penny for the guy" and from this money is bought fireworks.

6. Question: What food do people prepare themselves for Guy Fawkes night?

Answer: There are homemade toffee, ginger cake, baked potatoes and sausages.

7. Question: What sort of food can people buy? 

Answer: At public firework displays can people buy hamburgers and hot dogs. 

8. Question: Why are public firework displays maybe safer than private celebrations?

Answer: The fire service are always at public firework displays. 

9. Question: What do children learn to do?

Answer: Children learn to use fireworks carfully and learn to follow the instructions on the box.

10. Question: Where do pets spend Guy Fawkes night?

Answer: Pets stay home, because pets do not like fireworks.

Freue mich über jede Hilfe, Danke im voraus. 

Liebe Grüße,
Frage von Luxichan | am 18.05.2014 - 14:29

Beiträge 1559
Antwort von LsD | 18.05.2014 - 17:26
1. Question: When is Guy Fawkes night celebrated? 

Answer: On the 5th November is Guy Fawkes Night is being celebrated.

2. Question: What nearly happened in 1605? 

Answer: In the Cellars of the Houses of Parliament found Guy Fawkes found 36 barrels of gunpowder.

3. Question: Where do British people celebrate Guy Fawkes night?

Answer: The people celebrate Guy Fawkes night with bonfire and fireworks in private gardens or at public firework displays.

4. Question: What is a "guy"?
Answer: The "guy" is a model of Guy Fawkes with old clothes and filled with newspaper.

5. Question: Why do children make "guys"? 

Answer: Children put the "guy" on the  top of the bonfire and burn it. Some children go few days ago by the walk around the city with their masks on and ask for "a penny for the guy" and from this money they buy fireworks.

6. Question: What food do people prepare themselves for Guy Fawkes night?

Answer: There are homemade toffee, ginger cake, baked potatoes and sausages.

7. Question: What sort of food can people buy? 

Answer: At public firework displays can people buy hamburgers and hot dogs. 

8. Question: Why are public firework displays maybe safer than private celebrations?

Answer: The fire service are always present at public firework displays. 

9. Question: What do children learn to do?

Answer: Children learn to use fireworks carfully and learn how to follow the instructions on the box.

10. Question: Where do pets spend Guy Fawkes night?

Answer: Pets stay home, because pets do not like fireworks.
________________________ - Team

Beiträge 16
Antwort von Luxichan | 18.05.2014 - 17:52
Vielen vielen Dank. 

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Antwort von haithabu (ehem. Mitglied) | 18.05.2014 - 20:17
7. Question: What sort of food can people buy? 

Answer: people can buy hamburgers and hot dogs at public firework displays

9. Question: What do children learn to do?

Answer: Children learn to use fireworks carefully and learn to follow the instructions on the box.
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