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Aufsatz über meinen Traumjob....Bitte korrigieren

Frage: Aufsatz über meinen Traumjob....Bitte korrigieren
(2 Antworten)

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Doctor is a noble job that is admired by a lot of people.
Being a doctor itself has place to the eye of the society in a very good way. However, being a doctor can be really risky and a lot of things need to be sacrified in order to come up to the duty as a doctor. There are several things that motivate me to become a doctor. I don`t want to be the richest and most highly educated doctor the world has ever seen, but I want to be one who will help each variety of people and meet my duties. An advantage of becoming a doctor is, that you will get respect for your work. You also have a chance for a career development. I won`t think about disadvantages, because I think, if you really have a dream job, it wouldn`t matter if you have to work all night long or on weekends or if it sometimes is a little bit stressful. Of course it won`t be easy if you have a patient and you know, that he will die, but it`s part of the profession. Although I don`t know exactly, if I`ll ever make it, but it`s worth a try in any case.

Danke :)
Frage von HDLgirlHDL (ehem. Mitglied) | am 26.03.2014 - 16:01

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Antwort von hill.luis2001 (ehem. Mitglied) | 30.04.2014 - 17:29
finde dieser Aufsatz ist sehr gut geschrieben, also ich würde in so lassen !

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Antwort von matata | 30.04.2014 - 17:42
Und ich würde ihn ganz schnell vergessen und auf keinen Fall der Lehrkraft abgeben !
Warum ? Darum:

Was ich gefunden habe, findet auch deine Lehrkraft!
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