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working with text/part 1

Frage: working with text/part 1
(10 Antworten)

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How will you vote Senator?

Senator, what are your feelings about the President`s plan to send military aid to Central America?" The girl who had asked the question was sitting at the front of the Close Up group in Senator Young`s office.
She was a serious- looking student, who had asked a number of interesting questions during the seminar. "I am not completely convinced it is the best policy. Guns do not necessarily create the best political solutions, and those who suggest their use often don`t think about the real issues, which can be political corruption, poverty, high unemployment. I myself would like to look at the question of offering economic aid, although it is true that a lot of Americans think of foreign policy as a wild west gun battle." He was happy to see that the students were smiling at his comments. He liked to think of himself as a friendly poli- tician, who popular with his nation`s was youth. That was not difficult for the students to accept. was The senator was tall, good-looking and appeared to be quite youthful, although he was surely old enough to be the father of any one of them. "And how will you vote after this afternoon`s debate in the Senate?" The senator smiled at the young girl. "You don`t give up easily. Are you sure you aren`t from the Washington Post" The group laughed. "As you have learned in your sem inars, it is important to look at all aspects of an issue very carefully before you make a decision.And that`s exactly what I`ll do." "Yes, but Senator, what`s your opinion about The girl tried to continue with another question, but Senator Young looked at his watch. "Well, thank you for attending this seminar I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did." "Thank you," said several of the students as they rose from their seats. "You`re more than welcome," smiled Senator Young. With a warm smile he watched the group of young Close Up students walk out of his office, their seminar papers under their arms. Senator Young checked his watch again Luckily the meeting hadn`t gone on too long, so he still had enough time for lunch before the debate on the President`s plans started one thing certain, the debate in the Senate was wouldn`t be as simple as a student seminar. The vote would be close, very close indeed. At that moment people were lobbying the senators heavily to vote one way or the other senator, don`t forget you have a meeting at one o`clock," said his secretary as she came into his room with several papers for him to read. for him read "I have?" He checked his diary. "Who with?" "Lloyd Maunders. At the Georgetown Inn." The senator checked his watch again. "I still have a few things to do. Could you call a cab for me? I`ll be ready in about twenty minutes." "Yes, sir. I`ll do it at once," she said and left the room. The senator sat down at his desk. So Lloyd Maunders was in Washington and wanted to see him for lunch.Washington The senator knew the name. He came from a family of industrialists. They built vehicle and machine parts and employed several thousand people in his state. Lloyd Maunders had also been a major financial supporter for his campaign. The senator remembered that Maunders had tried to see him the week before, but he had been too busy. Senator Young called his secretary. "Did he mention what he wanted to see me about?" "No, Senator". Senator Young left the Capitol and took a taxi to Georgetown. It was a beautiful warm day, although fall was already in the air The sum- mer heat was over, and the leaves were begin- ning to turn brown. The summer crowds of tourists had also got thinner, although many were still looking at the sights. The cab drove along Pennsylvania Avenue At the Kennedy Center the cab driver drove along Wisconsin Avenue and into Georgetown. The Georgetown Inn," said the cab driver as they stopped. Senator Young saw the hotel and paid the driver. senator the driver. They met in a private dining-room. The sen ator shook hands with Lloyd Maunders and was introduced to another man, whose name was Carl Peterson. Senator Young knew the name from his home state. Petersons were large employers, also industrialists, not the largest, but certainly powerful enough to make employment figures a political issue. He wondered what had brought them together. And why they wanted to speak to their senator we still waiting for our third guest," said "I are Lloyd, the youngest of the group. "His flight must be late. But we can certainly start with a cocktail and a look at the menu. I believe the fish is especially good today." The senator accepted his drink and began to relax. He hoped it would be nothing more than a social meeting. Local bigwigs in town have to meet their senator to give themselves the feeling they are important. And these people had sup ported his campaign with large amounts of money. To have lunch with them was the least he could do. Just then the door opened, and their last guest arrived. Warren Mitchell held out his hand to the senator.The senator felt the old hand in his. It was still powerful, still healthy. The old man must be eighty, Senator Young thought to himself. Then the names came together and he knew why they were there. They were all involved in the weapons industry. Every one of them. Individually, it hadn`t made sense. Together, it did. Maunders, vehicle parts. Peterson, machine parts, and Mitchell military equipment. The man who put the parts together. Firstly, may I offer you my congratulations on reaching the Senate," said the old man shaking Senator Young`s hand warmly I`m sure the state will be very proud ofyou Thank you," said the senator "It`s very kind of you to say that Then, like an old Civil War general, Warren Mitchell waved a hand. "Gentlemen," he said and the four men sat down at the table.
Frage von moerve (ehem. Mitglied) | am 15.09.2013 - 18:42

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Antwort von moerve (ehem. Mitglied) | 15.09.2013 - 18:52
Part 2

Firstly, may I offer you my congratulations on reaching the Senate," said the old man shaking Senator Young`s hand warmly I`m sure the state will be very proud ofyou Thank you," said the senator "It`s very kind of you to say that Then, like an old Civil War general, Warren Mitchell waved a hand.
"Gentlemen," he said and the four men sat down at the table.They ate dinner without discussing anything important. During coffee Warren Mitchell sat back in his chair and said, "We are concerned about the debate in the Senate over the Presi dent`s plans to send military aid to Central America. So is everybody," said the senator "It will be a very close vote. The government there has the support of the people. That is something we shouldn`t forget. The rebels support an ex-dictator who hardly anybody wants I feel we should send that aid," said the older man. send that "I believe we should show that the US has a clear policy towards Central America and is prepared to support a government we can do business with." "Guns are not a solution." "Communism through the back door, from the south, has always been a danger to our nation." "There is another danger," said Carl Peterson "It is jobs. If that vote goes against the Presi- de could lose millions of dollars in lost we contracts.lose millions in We need those contracts without them it will mean thousands ofjobs have to go. And these lost jobs will be in factories in your state, Senator send the weapons somewhere else. This is a sensitive issue "Our contracts are with the Pentagon Your vote could help to make sure that a lage number of men and women in your state will enjoy full employment for several years." "I would say a large number of voters in your state will enjoy full employment," said Warren Mitchell And there aren`t many other jobs in some areas They lose their jobs, they might remember that Senator Young was the man who sent economic aid to other countries, but left his own people unemployed The senator remained thoughtful while the conversation continued. In his fight to get to the Senate he had forgotten that you can only climb to the top on the backs of other people, and sooner or later they would hold out their hands. He also enjoyed the advantages of his position. He could not imagine losing that position. The meeting came to an end, and the four men left the hotel to take separate Without it, you will not return to the Senate. I`m sure it is worth a vote in our favour to make sure you stay there. And you can always be certain ofour future support Later that day the senator listened to the de bate. At the end of it came the vote. As their names were called out, one after the other, and each gave his reply, Senator Young thought of the answer he had given to the young student earlier that morning, "It is important to look at all aspects of an issue very carefully before you make a decision.

Fragen zum text:
1. What picture of himself is Senator Young trying to present to the Close up students?
2. Why do the industrialists want to meet him? How do you think he feels in this meeting?
3. How do you think Senator Young will vote?

Ich weiss ich muss alles selber macjen aber ich kanns wirklich nicht obwohl ich überaetz habe und mein legrer öfters erklärt hat! BItte hele mir! Jedes frage soll mit min.50 wörtern beantwortet werden
Bitte helfe

Danke im vorraus :)

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Antwort von haithabu (ehem. Mitglied) | 15.09.2013 - 19:08
Ich weiss,[Komma] ich muss alles selber machen , [Komma]aber ich kann`s wirklich nicht, [Komma] obwohl ich
den Text übersetzt habe und mein Lehrer alles öfters erklärt hat! Bitte helft mir! Jede Frage soll mit min. 50 Wörtern beantwortet werden
Bitte um Hilfe
Danke im Voraus :)

Du machst hier in deiner Anfrage 12 (zwölf!) Fehler.

Das ist deine Hausaufgabe, die du (Buch: English G B6, Cornelsen; also 10.Klasse) erst mal allein machen musst; stelle deine Ergebnisse erst mal hier ein, wir helfen dir dann gern weiter.

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Antwort von moerve (ehem. Mitglied) | 15.09.2013 - 19:15
Von wo wusstest du, dass der Buch so hieß? Und habe 1000 mal selbee versucht aber ich kanns wirklich nicht! Ich kann natürlich von euch erwarten, dass ihr meine hausaufgaben macht, sondern ich bitte es darum! Es kostet für mich mehr zeit wenn ich alles hier reinschreibe und auf die antworten warte, anstatt selber zu machen! Ich hätte es so gern alleine machen können, aber geht halt einfach nicht, obwohl ich wirjlich dafür was tuhe! Ich habr noch andere aufgaben/fragen zur diesem Text! ...

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Antwort von haithabu (ehem. Mitglied) | 15.09.2013 - 19:36
Von wo wusstest du, dass der Buch so heißt?

Ich weiß es, weil ich das Buch vor mir liegen habe, denn ich habe damit selbst unterrichtet.

Beiträge 11940
Antwort von cleosulz | 15.09.2013 - 19:47
Wo sind denn deine Probleme?
Sind es Verständnisprobleme = kannst du den Text nicht verstehen?
Oder sind es Probleme bei der Formulierung der Antworten?
________________________ - Team

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Antwort von moerve (ehem. Mitglied) | 15.09.2013 - 20:26
Alle beide eigentlich!

Antwort von ANONYM | 15.09.2013 - 21:35
Eine sehr, sehr freie Übersetzung/Interpretation:

Der Päsident will Militärhilfe nach Zentralamerika schicken.
Der Senator erklärt, dass er Waffenlieferungen nicht unbedingt als beste Lösung sieht. Er bevorzugt Wirtschaftshilfe.
"Waffen schaffen nicht unbedingt die besten politischen Lösungen - und die das vorschlagen, denken oftmals nicht über die wirklichen Probleme nach" => politische Korruption, Armut , hohe Arbeitslosigkeit.
Er selbst denke an Wirtschaftshilfe.
Er selbst sieht sich als freundlichen Politiker, der bei der jungen Nation beliebt ist.
Er möchte vor einer Entscheidung alle Aspekte genau betrachten.

Er trifft sich dann mit einem Unterstützer:
Lloyd Maunders war auch ein wichtiger finanzieller Unterstützer für seine (Wahl-)Kampagne.
Er stammte aus einer Familie von Industriellen. Sie bauen Fahrzeug-und Maschinenteile und beschäftigen mehrere tausend Menschen.
Eine zweite Person kommt hinzu:
Herr Petersons war ein große Arbeitgeber, auch Unternehmer. Nicht die größte, aber sicherlich stark genug, um die Beschäftigungszahlen eine politische Frage werden zu lassen.
Gerade dann öffnete sich die Tür und der letzte Gast ist angekommen. Warren Mitchell streckte seine Hand dem Senator entgegen.

Jetzt fällt es ihm auf:
=> Sie waren alle an der Waffen-Industrie beteiligt. Jeder einzelne von ihnen.
Einzeln machte es keinen Sinn - gemeinsam schon.
Maunders => Fahrzeugteile . Peterson => Maschinenteile, und Mitchell=> militärische Ausrüstung.

Der Präsident plant Militärhilfe für Mittelamerika.
Die dortige Regierung hat die Unterstützung des Volkes.
Die Rebellen unterstützen einen Ex-Dikator, den niemand will.
Wenn die Regierung Mittelamerika unterstützt, können wir Geschäfte machen.
Gewehre sind eine Lösung. Kommunismus durch die Hintertüre (aus dem Süden) sind eine Gefahr für unsere Nation.
Außerdem gibt es noch eine Gefahr:Verlust von Arbeitsplätzen.
Wenn gegen den Präsidenten gestimmt wird, verlieren wir Millionen.
Das bedeutet, dass Arbeitsplätze verloren gehen. Diese verlorenen Arbeitsplätze werden in Ihrem Bundesland sein. Unsere Verträge mit der Regierung könnten diese Plätze sichern. Und Ihre Stimme könnte dazu beitragen, diese Arbeitsplätze sicher machen und über Jahre hinaus Vollbeschäftigung sichern.
Können sie sich vorstellen, was die Leute sagen, wenn sie Wirtschaftshilfe in fremde Länder schicken aber die Leute in ihrem eigenen Land ihre Arbeit verlieren?

In seinem Kampf um einen Sitz im Senat hatte er vergessen, dass wenn man andere Leute benutzt, um an die Spitze zu kommen, man sich früher oder später in deren Hände begibt.
Er genoss seine jetzige Position und konnte sich nicht vorstellen, diese Position wieder zu verlieren.

Das Treffen war zuende und die 4 Herren verliesen die Runde.
Er wurde dann daran erinnert, dass er ohne sie nicht im Senat wäre und dass sie sicher sind, dass er mit ihnen zusammen im Senat bleiben könne, dass er sich ihrer Unterstützung sicher sein könne.

Es kam dann zur Abstimmung. Als sein Name aufgerufen wurde, erinnerte er sich an das, was er den jungen Studenten am Morgen zuvor erzählt hatte:
==> Es ist wichtig , alle Aspekte eines Problems sehr sorgfältig zu prüfen, bevor Sie eine Entscheidung treffen.

Die Entscheidung des Senators fiel also wie aus? => Waffen für Mittelamerika!

Antwort von ANONYM | 15.09.2013 - 22:52

Zitat aus:

Hier habe ich eigentlich den text geschickt, aber hab immernoch nicht den richtigen antwort erhalten! Wenn sie mir da helfen würdet, wäre es sehr toll :)

Das ist doch wohl nicht ganz richtig

Was ist das eine Antwort weiter oben?

Soll ich dir die Antworten, die ich auf Deutsch markiert haben, jetzt auch noch in Englisch formulieren?

Das ist wirklich zuviel verlangt.

Mach einen Versuch.Bring eine Vorleistung!

Dann korrigieren wir deine Fehler.

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Antwort von moerve (ehem. Mitglied) | 19.09.2013 - 00:51

Bitte kontrollieren! Es geht wieder um diesen text!
Danke im Vorraus :)

Antwort von ANONYM | 19.09.2013 - 00:55

Brauche hier auch eure hilfe!

How will you vote, Senator? (English G; Band B6; für das 10. Schuljahr; Cornelsen)

What picture of himself is Senator Young trying to present to the Close Up students?
- He`s trying to present himself as an eloquent and humorous Senator who tries to find a peaceful solution to foreign policy problems.
He sees himself as a friendly politician who is popular with the youth.

Why do the industrialists want to meet him? How do you think he feels in this meeting?

-? == Sie wollen, dass er in ihrem Sinne abstimmt. Sie wollen, dass die USA mit Waffenlieferungen eingreift.

How do you think Senator Young will vote?

-? == Der gute Junge will im Senat bleiben. Das kann er jedoch nur mit der weiteren Unterstützung der Waffenindustrie, die ihn in seinem bisherigen Wahlkampf unterstützt haben.
Die Herren aus der Industrie haben für den Fall, dass es keine Waffenlieferungen nach Mittelamerika gibt, mit Entlassungen gedroht. => So was macht sich für einen Politiker nicht gut.

Hallo, ich habe versucht das erste Frage zu beantworten, bitte kontrolliere es für mich! Und die anderen 2 Aufgaben konnte ich nicht machen, bitte helfe mir, brauche dringend Hilfe!


Hier gabs es da auch schon Hilfe:

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