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Central Park: Bitte korrigieren :)

Frage: Central Park: Bitte korrigieren :)
(2 Antworten)

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Ich muss in English einen Text über den Central Park schreiben (am besten Amerikanisches English)
Wäre nett wenn ihr mir die Fehler korrigieren oder sont was korrigieren könntet :)

Today, I would like to present to you: The Central Park
The CentralPark is a very famous public park at the Center of Mannhatten in New York City.
The Park opened in 1857, with 315Ha.
Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux won a design competition to improve and expand the park. The Construction began the same year and was completed in 1873.
The Central Park is the most visited Park in the United States, the second largest park in the world and only the English Garden in Munich is larger.
There are 36 bridges and 21 playgrounds in Central Park
For visitors they´re interested in history the center park has a lot to offer. Again and again monuments were consecreted here. The first monument was for Friedrich Schiller.
The Central Park has a big lake, where you can be rowed on and also a zoo.
But there is even a several “secret” garden worth a visit, smaller planting sites just created to attract butterflies and other insects.
Frage von SilverStar (ehem. Mitglied) | am 26.08.2013 - 17:23

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Antwort von nello1985 (ehem. Mitglied) | 01.09.2013 - 17:25
Ich hab keine Fehler von der Grammatik her gefunden,
aber du schreibst ein paar Nomen groß. Wie z.B. "The Park" in Zeile 3.

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Antwort von haithabu (ehem. Mitglied) | 01.09.2013 - 18:06
Today, I would like to present to you: [---]Central Park in New York (1)

[---]CentralPark (1) is a very famous public park in the
centre of Mannhatten in New York City.
The park opened in 1857, it covers an area of 315 ha or 843 acres. Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux then won a design competition to improve and to expand the park. The construction began the same year and was completed in 1873.
[---] (1) Central Park is the most visited park in the United States, the second largest park in the world and only the English Garden in Munich is larger.
There are 36 bridges and 21 playgrounds in Central Park
For visitors who are interested in history the center park has a lot to offer. Again and again monuments were set up (2)here. The first monument was for Friedrich Schiller.
[---] (1)Central Park has a big lake, where you can row (3)on, and also a zoo.
But there is even a [___] (4) “secret” garden worth a visit, smaller planting sites just created to attract butterflies and other insects


1) Orts- und Straßennamen werden ohne bestimmten Artikel verwendet - es gibt wenige Ausnahmen

2) to consecrete = eine Kirche "weihen"
3) man kann dort auch "rudern", man muss nicht nur "gerudert" werden
4) entweder: "a "secret" garden oder "several" secret gardens

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