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Frage: Englisch Ausdruck verbessern
(5 Antworten)

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Kann mir bitte jemand mein Englisch Text berichtigen nach Ausdruck bzw. bessere Vokabeln verwenden. So dass der text Flüssiger wird. Auch wenn es notwendig ist nach dem Inhalt verbessern oder Inhalt besser machen.

The humans in our Society strive for freedom, and to be accepted whether wise or foolish, black or white skin color. There are countries who aspire to democracy, America also. The purpose of this essay is to compare the American Dream with the Text “MARTHA WEINMANN LEAR: Of Thee I Sing“ how thing about the American Dream.

I`m going to discuss like the American thing about the American Dream. America is described as fair. (“America ploticians were omniscient an incoruptible,..“ Z.11) The autor informs us that the American Dream is true.“The American Drem was real...“ (Z.12). The Text says too, “The land of the free and the home of the brave“ (Z.45). The Text described that the humans are lives freedom. (“freedom means that you can pick from different things.“ 52). And that the American much to do for it that all of people has the same chance. (“Whrere else could she get an education like that.“ Z.57)

The American Dream can be described as that the humans live in freedom. Everybody has a different view on the American Dream. It means different things to different people, for example , becoming rich and famous, owning a big house and a familie, equality, career options, freedom, success. The belief is that if you work hard enough, you make your dream come true. This Americans defination is compared to the ideas of the text.
These statements of the text has reference to the American Dream. The American ist faire. The American Dream is true. The humans live in freedom. And the Country want to that each of people have the same chance of education.

It is quite important that the people of America the American Dream also find that. It ist important that the humans the America Dream also see it as, because in other conutries where the people don`t live like as described.


The humans in our Society strive for freedom, and to be accepted whether wise or foolish, black or white skin color. There are countries who aspire to democracy, America also. The purpose of this essay is to compare the American Dream with Schwarzeneggers opinion about America.

I`m going to discuss like the American describes the American Dream. Everyone is accepted, it does not matter where you come from, but where you are going. (“where you are from is not as important as where you are going“ Z.8 - 9) Schwarznegger sais that after the warr 2 they have nevertheless food. (18). Each of poeple can do anything. (“It`s true! You can do anything on this country!...It`s everything you imagine-and more!“ Z. 44 - 46)
Each of people has the same chance to be Recognized as a citizen and making a career – eacheveryone can achieve something . “I wanted to become a citizen. I wanted to work hard. I wanted to go to college and study politics, economics, and culture. Tody stand before you – an immigrant success story.“ When you are willing to be a part of ammerica and to love America, they will love you. (...and you are willing to be a part of this country and embrace it- it embrace you.“ (Z. 55 – 26). Who also comes from a poor environment, everything can achieve anything in America. (“If a poor kid like me from a farm town in Europa can make it, then anyone can make it in this great country.“ Z.64 – 65). Everyone gets the same chance at education. (...the same education and books for every kid in the country,“ (Z.75 – 76)

The American Dream can be described as that the humans live in freedom. Everybody has a different view on the American Dream. It means different things to different people, for example , becoming rich and famous, owning a big house and a familie, equality, career options, freedom, success. The belief is that if you work hard enough, you make your dream come true. This Americans defination is compared to the ideas of the text.
These statements of the text has reference to the American Dream. The American ist faire. The American Dream is true. The humans live in freedom. And the Country want to that each of people have the same chance of education.

It is quite important that the people of America the American Dream also find that. It ist important that the humans the America Dream also see it as, because in other conutries where the people don`t live like as described.
Frage von AMD | am 29.05.2013 - 17:58

Beiträge 74
Antwort von AMD | 29.05.2013 - 19:55
ist echt wichtig!

Beiträge 40305
Antwort von matata | 29.05.2013 - 20:04
Hier gibt es nur wichtige Sachen! Nicht pushen, sondern geduldig warten, bis jemand Zeit hat für dich.
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Beiträge 74
Antwort von AMD | 30.05.2013 - 06:04
Wie zitiert man im englischen auch.

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Antwort von haithabu (ehem. Mitglied) | 30.05.2013 - 09:42
Ich habe mich etwas mit deinem Text beschäftigt; u.a. habe ich Textstellen ins Deutsche zurückübersetzt und diese dt Texte dann bei google-translator eingegeben. Ergebnis: 100% Übereinstimmung.
Du kannst von mir nicht erwarten, dass ich hier eine Schrottübersetzung korrigiere und du, der du den Text verfassen solltest, hast gerade mal den copy & paste -Finger krumm gemacht.

Beiträge 40305
Antwort von matata | 30.05.2013 - 14:00
Zum Thema Zitieren gibt es verschiedene Leitlinien und alle sind richtig. Nach welcher du bis jetzt gearbeitet hast, weiss ich nicht. Es hängt auch davon ab, ob du einen wissenschaftlichen Text oder einen literarischen Text zitierst.
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