Englischreferat: Ich stelle mich selber vor !
Frage: Englischreferat: Ich stelle mich selber vor !(4 Antworten)
Hallo, ich bin 14 Jahre und muss für den Englischunterricht ein Referat ausarbeiten. Danke ;-) |
Frage von hope2014 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 12.05.2014 - 19:41 |
Antwort von hope2014 (ehem. Mitglied) | 12.05.2014 - 19:41 |
My name is Christina and I am 14 years old. My presentation is about my favourite hobbies and my personal interests. In my free time Ilike to cycle. Sometimes, my boyfriend and I ride 30 or up to 80 kilometers. Also, I am interested in other sports, like jogging, swimming or badminton. Another hobby is travelling through interesting countries. I have been in Spain for four times,two times in Italy and made an exchange of students in France. I adore the beaches and the weather in these countries, but also the pupils and the atmosphere. Day trips to Hamburg, Köln or to the coast are a balance for school and everyday life. I am often listening to rock-music, for example to bands like “Mando Diao”, “The Hives” or Kings of Leon”. A few years ago, I visited different festivals, such as “Omas Teich”,“Highfield” or concerts of the band “Mando Diao”, “Deichkind” and “The Red HotChili Peppers”. My favourite hobby is football. I am playing football since 2004 in our sport club of my home village. Once we won the championship in 2010. Since that summer we play in the“Kreisliga” of Leer. We are practicing two days a week in the evening and Saturdays we run against another club. My favourite football team is the “Hamburger SV”, which only reached the 16. position in the first league.Because of this, they have to play two special matches against the third team of the second league. The winner of the match can play in the first league for the next season. I visit a match of my favourite football team, often. Than my friends and I drive to Hamburg by train for supporting our team. In this summer, theWorld Cup starts. I will watch every match of the German team, but I do not believe,that Germany will get the world champion this year, because they disappointed me in the matches before. What do you think? |
Antwort von bea18 | 12.05.2014 - 19:53 |
My name is Christina and I am 14 years old. My presentation is about my favorite hobbies and my personal interests. In my free time I like to cycle. Sometimes, my boyfriend and I ride 30 or up to 80 kilometers.Also, I am interested in other sports, like jogging, swimming or badminton. Another hobby is travelling through interesting countries.I have been in Spain for four times, two times in Italy and made an exchange of students in France.I adore the beaches and the weather in these countries, but also the pupils and the atmosphere. Day trips to Hamburg, Köln or to the coast are a balance of schooland everyday life. I am often listening to rock-music, for example tobands like “Mando Diao”, “The Hives” or Kings of Leon”. Afew years ago, I visited different festivals, such as “OmasTeich”,“Highfield” or concerts of the band “Mando Diao”,“Deichkind” and “The Red HotChili Peppers”.My favorite hobby is football. I have been playing football since 2004 in our sport club of my home village. Once we won thechampionship in 2010. Since that summer we play in the“Kreisliga” of Leer. We are practicing two days a week in the evening and Saturdays we run against another club. My favorite footballteam is the “Hamburger SV”, which only reached the 16. position in the first league. Becauseof this, they have to play two special matches against the third team in the second league. The winner of the match can play in the first leaguefor the next season. I visit a match of my favorite footballteam, often. Then myfriends and I drive to Hamburg by train for supporting our team. In this summer, the World Cup starts.I will watch every match of the German team, but I do notbelieve, that Germany will get the world champion this year, because they disappointed me in the matches before. What do you think? Alles Gute Bea |
Antwort von haithabu (ehem. Mitglied) | 13.05.2014 - 12:04 |
My name is Christina and I am 14 years old. My presentation is about my favorite (1) hobbies and my personal interests. In my free time I like to cycle. Sometimes, Ich korrigiere mal bea18s Korrektur: 1) favourite (bei uns gilt das British English als Rechtschreibnorm) (Achtung: der Fehler taucht im Text noch drei weitere Male auf!) 2) I have made (hier muss present perfect tense stehen (vgl. die erste Satzhälfte!) 3)schooland? oder schoolland? einfach: "school`s everyday life" 4)I often listen (Signalwort often verweist auf regelmäßige Handlung, und diese steht nun mal im simple present) 5) I have played (present perfect drückt aus, dass etwas in der Verg.heit begann und im Augenblick des Sprechens noch andauert; das present perfect progressive dagegen drückt aus, das eine Handlung ununterbrochen immer noch ausgeführt wird. ( also: "ich spiele jetzt schon ununterbrochen seit 2004 ...") 6) Satzstellung: We won the championship once, in 2010. 7) we have played (Signalwort"since" verweist auf present perfect) 8) "of" statt in. 9) for streichen 10) DER typische deutsche Übersetzungsfehler: "fahren" heißt "go by..."; "drive" nimmt man nur dann, wenn man selbst steuert 11) KEIN KOMMA vor "that" 12) auch hier ist present perfect "have disappointed me ..." angesagt. |
Antwort von hope2014 (ehem. Mitglied) | 13.05.2014 - 15:53 |
Vielen Dank für die vielen Tipps und Verbesserungen :-) |
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