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Präsentation Hudson River

Frage: Präsentation Hudson River
(1 Antwort)

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Hudson River


Today I would like to tell you something about the Hudson River.

At first I want to show you my structure for the presentation.

It is divided into: Know-how, history, course of the river and sights.
Kann mir bitte jemand meine Präsentation durchlesen und entsprechend korrigieren. Grammatik ist leider nicht meine Stärke. Thanks for your help.

At a heigh of 1309 m originates its source. He was 507 km long and the basin included
36.260 km².
In my presentation I wrote two each large cities: New York City, Jersey City,
medium cities: Troy, Albany and
small cities: Glens Falls, Peekskill.
Of course there are still a whole lot more of it.

I will now talk about the history.
The river played a large role in the American Revolution to the 1700s.
Because the colonists realized that the river was important for the transport of troops and supplies.
Henry Hudson, an Englishman by the river was named, which sailed in 1609 for a Dutch company. When he realized that it is not the way to India, he was looking for.
At the end of the 19th Century began a struggle for the natural beauty and preserve the environment, but are railway lines along the river for industry and trade developed.
After the invention of the steamboat in 1807, was the Hudson River to the trade channel, for he was a destination for leisure, industry and trade.
In January 2009, had the passengers from the Hudson River in New York to be rescued. At minus 7 degrees landed the Airbus A320 emergency, after both engines were destroyed by a bird strike.

Where the source of Hudson`s rivers?
The Hudson rises in the U.S. state of New York in the Adirondack Mountains at Mount Marcy.und then he flows toward Manhattan in the Atlantic Ocean.
The Narrows, a tidal stream between the New York City neighborhoods of Brooklyn and Staten Iceland, connects the upper and lower sections of New York Bay. It has long been considered the maritime "gateway" to New York City and historically the main entrance is in the harbor.

At the end of my presentation, I want to introduce still three sights.
Name them all would speak the frame.

In 2009, the railway line was for the pedestrian released and is now the world`s longest pedestrian bridge. It`s called: Walkway Over the Hudson.
The George Washington Bridge, connecting Fort Lee, New Jersey across the Hudson River to New York City, is the world`s busiest motor vehicle bridge.

The Hudson River has a great influence on today`s life.
Frage von baschek (ehem. Mitglied) | am 02.02.2013 - 11:28

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Antwort von goldenoldie (ehem. Mitglied) | 02.02.2013 - 12:03
At a heigh (21) of 1309 m originates its source(1). He (2) was(3) 507 km long and the basin included (4)36.260 km².
In my presentation I wrote (5) two each(6) large cities: New York City,
Jersey City,
medium cities: Troy, Albany and
small cities: Glens Falls, Peekskill.
Of course there are (7) still a whole lot more of it (8).

I will now talk about the history.
The river played a large role in the American Revolution to the 1700s(9).
Because the colonists realized that the river was important for the transport (10) of troops and supplies.
Henry Hudson, an Englishman by the river was named (11), which(12) sailed in 1609 for a Dutch company. When (13) he realized that it is (14) not the way to India, he was looking for.
At the end of the 19th Century (15)began a struggle (16) for the natural beauty and preserve the environment, but are (17)railway lines along the river /18)for industry and trade
developed (20).

bis hierhin grob geschätzte 20 Fehler!

Der Text ist nicht korrigierbar; müsste völlig neu geschrieben werden .... und das ist hier nicht meine Aufgabe.

Die Sätze mit den Satzanfängen a) because .... / b)Henry Hudson ... / c) When he realized .../ sind unvollständige Halbsätze

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