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Textverständnis " Water -Fred Leebron"

Frage: Textverständnis " Water -Fred Leebron"
(2 Antworten)

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Hey Leute,

Ich habe den Text " Water - Fred Leebron " bekommen und soll den Text weiter schreiben.Leider versteh ich den Inhalt nicht wirklich.
Könnte mir jemand bitte die Handlung erklären.

Das wäre total super.

She touches his hair by the river.
I am in our apartment, working. Her hand moves down his back.
I empty the trash and unclog the kitchen sink. His former girlfriends have turned
into lesbians.
I take the key to his apartment, which he gave me so I could water his plants
during the summer. He bends his kissing face to hers.
I walk over to his apartment, just two blocks away. Their legs dangle in the river.
I unlock the door and bolt it behind me. The room smells of feet and stale ashtrays.
In the kitchen is a gas stove. I turn it on without lighting it.
Down by the river is a fl ock of geese, which they admire while holding hands.
Soon he will take her back to his apartment. Soon they will lie there, readying cigarettes.
I relock the apartment and slip into the street. The air smells of autumn, burnt. In
the sky, birds are leading each other south.
I know there is nothing left between us, that she looks at me each morning as if I
were interrupting her life.
Frage von Ellix3 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 13.12.2010 - 21:56

Antwort von GAST | 14.12.2010 - 10:35
I don`t understand: You can`t "continue writing" a short story, because everything has been said:

The first-person-narrator (A) is absolutely furious about his former (boy)friend (B), because he (A)can`t stand that his girlfriend(C)has left him (A) and is now the loving partner of (B).
While (A) is doing the dirty work in his apartment he imagines (B) and (C) sitting together on the bank of a river, caressing and kissing each other.
(A)still has got the keys of (B)`s apartment, he goes over there, turns on the gas (without lighting it), he then leaves again hoping that (B) and (C) will light their cigarettes after having come home and thus will be killed in the gas explosion.

This story has been one of my favourites.

Bei der Interpretation muss dir klar wer4den, dass A handelt und gleichzeitig sich die Handlungen des Liebespaares vorstellt.
(Das nennt man "erlebte Rede" oder "reported thoughts")
Wie sauer A ist kann man daran ermessen, dass er B in Gedanken den schlimmsten Vorwurf macht, den man einem Manne machen kann, nämlich , dass er (B) so ein schlechter Liebhaber ist, dass seine Freundinnen nach ihren Trennungen von ihm lieber lesbisch werden als sich noch mal mit einem Mann einzulassen. Sprachlich kommt diese Wut in den häufig kurzen, fast abgehackten Sätzen zum Ausdruck.
Beachte auch die "Sprachbilder" : die Luft riecht nach "Herbst, verbrannt", (Symbolisch: für A ist "alles vorbei"); die " Vögel, die sich gegenseitig den Weg zeigen" = Symbol für gegenseitiges Vertrauen (was A verloren hat); die Gänse (Gänse bleiben als Partner lebenslang zusammen) als ein Symbol für Treue und Beständigkeit.


Antwort von GAST | 14.12.2010 - 12:02
Ich habe hier mal alle Textstellen des "reported thought" weggelassen.

Beachte die zahlreichen kurzen SPO-Sätze.
I am in our apartment, working. [---]
I empty the trash and unclog the kitchen sink. [---]
I take the key to his apartment, which he gave me so I could water his plants
during the summer. [---}
I walk over to his apartment, just two blocks away. [---]
I unlock the door and bolt it behind me. The room smells of feet and stale ashtrays.
In the kitchen is a gas stove. I turn it on without lighting it.
Soon he will take her back to his apartment. Soon they will lie there, readying cigarettes.
I relock the apartment and slip into the street. The air smells of autumn, burnt. In
the sky, birds are leading each other south.

I know there is nothing left between us, that she looks at me each morning as if I
were interrupting her life.

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