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Frage: Bitte einmal drüber schauen u. schaun ob fehler drinne sind.
(5 Antworten)

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New York

Today I want to give a short presentation to New York.

As you will already know maybe New York also called the “Big Apple "
New York has about 8 million inhabitants.
New York was founded in 1613 and is the most populous city in the
United States.
New York City comprises five boroughs Manhattan, the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Iceland.

The city has a large number of Attractions, Galleries, Museums, Restaurants, Cinemas, Theatre.
Up to 11 September 2001 towers in New York were also the Twins
the World Trade Centre.
They fell victim to a tourist bombers.


New York is located in the temperate climate zone
In the Summer: very hot
In the Winter: very cold

Geographical locations:

New York is located on the east coast of the USA in New York Bay at the mouth of the Hudson River and East River into the Atlantic Ocean.
Is an average of 6m above sea level, in close proximity to Jersey City.

Statue of Liberty:
In german Freiheitsstatue.
Foundet 15.10.1924.
Was gift from France to the United States of America.
It is located in Liberty Iseland, New York, USA.
In the left hand panel with the inscription JULY IV MDCCLXXVI.
= Date of the Declaration of Independence
In the right hand torch.

Brooklyn Bridge:
Is a suspension bridge.
Construction began: 1869 and lasted 14 years.
Opening on May 24, 1883.
Total cost: 18 million U.S. dollars.

Empire State Building:
In german Wolkenkratze.
Located on Fifth Avenue
New York is tallest building since 11/11/2001 because the WWC by Terrorist attacks has been destroyed.

10 buildings and parks


Empire state building
United Nation Building
Rockefeller center


Central Park
Park Manhattan
Frage von 12luna12 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 04.10.2011 - 17:55

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Antwort von sayyeah93 (ehem. Mitglied) | 04.10.2011 - 18:08
Today I´d like to present you one of the biggest cities on the world.

tourist bombers? wohl eher terrorist bombers,

sag nicht immer is located.. nutze mal synonyme wie z.b.: is situated oder andere..
hab jetzt nur mal schnell drüber geschaut..

Beiträge 3236
Antwort von Grizabella | 04.10.2011 - 18:30
Hast du das wirklich selbst geschrieben? Was soll der Satz zum Beispiel heißen? Up to 11 September 2001 towers in New York were also the Twins the World Trade Centre.

Klingt ja wie google-Übersetzung...

Beiträge 3236
Antwort von Grizabella | 04.10.2011 - 18:32
außerdem heißt es "Staten Island" und sowas wie "restaurants" usw. musst du klein schreiben

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Antwort von 12luna12 (ehem. Mitglied) | 04.10.2011 - 18:34
ja also ich habe google übersetzer genommen.

u. der satz soll heißen: Höchstes bis zum 11.september 2001 standen in NY auch noch die Twins towers des world trade centre.

Beiträge 3236
Antwort von Grizabella | 04.10.2011 - 18:42
Nimm niemals google Übersetzer! Da kommt nur Müll raus! Das ist doch nicht Sinn der Sache. Du sollst das ja selbst übersetzen und etwas lernen. Solche Halbsätze kannst du doch nicht in einem Referat sagen (außer das sind nur Stichwörter für dich, aber wenn du die Sätze so sagst...)

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