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Korrektur Essay

Frage: Korrektur Essay
(2 Antworten)

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People often have situations in their life when it seems to be going badly but turns out well after all. It can be found in your privacy, your work and study. In the following essay, I will illustrate one of these situations that happened in my private life.

When I had my first date everything seems to be going badly. First, I waited 15 minutes until I called her the first time. She did not answer my call, what made me very angry. Second I waited further 15 minutes but she still did not call me back. Finally, I was really pissed and wanted to go home.

Suddenly, I got a phone call from her that she will be there in 5 minutes. When she arrived at 6.45 pm she apologized for being late. Therefore, she invited me for a drink, which I really appreciated. Furthermore, we spent a lot of time and found out that we liked each other. After a few more dates we came together and are still happy until today.

In conclusion, situations start badly but continue well for you. Nevertheless, there are situations that begin badly and end badly. This also common in our life and is caused by an unlucky situation. Despite everything, people also experience events that seem to be well the whole time. These are caused by an lucky situation.
Frage von bombi (ehem. Mitglied) | am 10.12.2012 - 10:29

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Antwort von goldenoldie (ehem. Mitglied) | 10.12.2012 - 13:57
People often have situations in their lives when things seem to be going to turn out badly but will later
out well after all. Examples can be found in your private life,
your work and study. In the following essay,
I am going to illustrate one of these situations that has happened in my private life.

When I had my first date everything seemed to go badly. Firstly, I had waited for 15 minutes until I called her the first time. She did not answer my call, which made me very angry. Secondly I waited another 15 minutes but she still did not call me back. Finally, I was really pissed! and wanted to go home.

Suddenly, I got a phone call from her that she would be there in five minutes. When she arrived at 6.45 pm she apologized for being late. Therefore, she invited me for a drink, which I really appreciated. Furthermore, we spent a lot of time together and found out that we liked each other. After a few more dates we were a couple and have beenhappy until today.

In conclusion, situations may start badly but can continue well for you. Nevertheless, there can always be situations that begin badly and will end badly. This is also common in[---]life and is caused by an unlucky situation. Despite everything, people also experience events that seem to be good the whole time. These are caused by lucky situations.

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Antwort von bombi (ehem. Mitglied) | 11.12.2012 - 12:16
Vielen lieben Dank! Voll dumm von mir, dass ich nicht darauf geachtet habe Erzählungen in p.perfect wiederzugeben -.-

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