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Essay Kontrolle

Frage: Essay Kontrolle
(1 Antwort)

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Hi, ich würde mich freuen wenn jemand mein Essay überprüfen könnte. Über Verbesserungen freue ich mich! Danke!

What is your approach to problem-solving and how does it work for you? Use specific details to support your response.

Nobody has a perfect life without any problems or deficits. In the following essay, I will discuss about how students solve their problems at the beginning of their first semester.

When I started studying the first year I had a lot of problems in organising my own timetable or preparing for the examinations. But I got many information from experienced students and the university itself. For example visiting every events, that were offered by the university or getting in touch with other students on the internet.

In addition I did not find easily an accomodation in Berlin. It is really difficult to get an cheap appartment close to the university. Fortunately, there is an institution calls `Studentenwerk-Berlin`, that offers for students an well-paid appartment. If you registrate on their website on time and if you are well-prepared you will get immediately an appartment.

In conclusion getting a lot of informations and experiences of your studies and looking for an appartment on the website of the `Studentenwerk` make your first year of studies much easier.
In my opinion all these things worked out for me. I passed sucessfully all exams because I organised my own timetable very well and was well-prepared for the examinations. I accomplished all things that the `Studentenwerk` wanted me to do that is why I am living in one of the wonderful area of Berlin now.
Unfortunately, there are more people who wants to live in Berlin but the offers for flats are limited. Therefore it might be better to share an appartment with other students or other people to make sure that you get an appartment.
Frage von bombi (ehem. Mitglied) | am 29.10.2012 - 20:57

Antwort von GAST | 09.11.2012 - 16:20
- a cheap apartment

- an institution called Studentenwerk-Berlin
- that offers a well paid apartment for students (wortstellung)
- a lot of information (plural ohne s)
- i accomplished all the things that the studentenwerk wanted me to do which is why
- there are more people who want to live in Berlin

ich würd sagen, dein essay ist bis auf die paar kleinigkeiten gelungen. vielleicht hätte man die wortstellung bisschen anders machen können (z.B "I passed all exams sucessfully" statt "passed sucessfully all exams"), aber bin mir nicht sicher, ob das sonst gleich falsch wäre.

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