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Englisch: Text über Brooklyn

Frage: Englisch: Text über Brooklyn
(4 Antworten)

Hallo, ich hoffe ihr könnt mir heute noch helfen. Morgen muss ich einen Text über das Thema Brooklyn abgeben. Diesen habe ich hier schon rauskopiert , nur der Lehrer ist nicht einverstanden, da es zu schwierige Wörter sind. Also ich würde mich sehr über eine Korrektur freuen lgBrooklyn:

Brooklyn was until the fusion of the “New Yorker Boroughs” in 1898 the fourth biggest
city in the USA. It got its name from the Dutch community Breuckelen. Brooklyn has
an area of about 196 square kilometres and has about 2.5 million inhabitants. The
borough is located in the south of New York City.
In Brooklyn is one of the most famous bridges in the world, the “Brooklyn Bridge”. It
was finished in the year 1883 and it was the longest rope bridge of the world by this

Directly on the “Brooklyn Bridge” there are blocks of houses where once famous
writers and artists lived. From there you have an unbelievable view to “Lower
Manhattan” and the harbour.

In the “Brooklyn Academy of Music” are listed concerts, modern and classical dance
and theatre as well as active films.
Not to miss is a visiting in the “Prospect Park”. It is a nice landscape architecture and
a modern zoo for children.

One of the most beautiful cemeteries is the “Green-Wood Cemetery”. With a
wonderful prospect of the harbour and thousands of trees and bushes as well as four
lakes is the “Green-Wood” the final last resting place from famous personalities.
In “Brooklyn Botanic Garden” are special gardens with plants from different climates.
Lots of people come to this garden to look at these unique plants.

The “Brooklyn Museum of Art” is one of the biggest museums in the USA. It owns
one of the most bulked Egyptian collections of the world. In the constant exhibitions
there are more than 1, 5 million objects from Egyptian masterworks represented, until
the modern art virtually from every culture.

A museum which is very famous for children is the “Brooklyn Children’s Museum”,
because it was the first museum for children in the world and also the “New York
Aquarium” on “Coney Island Boardwalk” with 300 animal species is a wonderful
sightseeing for children.

Onto “Coney Island” the cyclone roller coaster is also very famous.
In the east of the island in “Brighton Beach” lots of immigrants from Russia live there,
from there is also the nickname “little Odessa”. “Sheepshead Bay” is the centre for
fishers in New York City.

The Park slope in the north-east of Brooklyn is especially a neighbourhood. In the
end of the 19th century it was famous as the “golden coast” because of the villas and
the manorial row houses at the “Prospect Park”.


MCU Park in Coney Island
Brooklyn has a storied sports history. It has been home to many famous sports figures such as Vince Lombardi, Mike Tyson, Joe Torre, and Vitas Gerulaitis. Basketball legend Michael Jordan was born in Brooklyn but grew up in Wilmington, North Carolina.[/b]
ANONYM stellte diese Frage am 23.11.2011 - 15:24

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Antwort von majonese (ehem. Mitglied) | 23.11.2011 - 15:37
Bitten helft mir. Ich versuch diesen Text schon zu vereinfachen,
aber mit Hilfe von euch, würde ich bestimmt bessere Antworten haben. Ich werde dann den vereinfachten Text auch hier rein stellen. majonese

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Antwort von matata | 23.11.2011 - 15:47
Wir warten auf deinen vereinfachten Text, dann können wir uns damit beschäftigen. Wir kennen deinen Wortschatz nicht, wir wissen nicht, welche Begriffe deine Lehrkraft als zu "schwierig" beurteilt. Deshalb können wir ihn auch nicht vereinfachen, sonst ist es wieder nicht deine eigene Sprache und dein eigener Ausdruck.
Wenn du ein Wörterbuch brauchst, dann nimm dieses:

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________________________ - Team

Antwort von ANONYM | 23.11.2011 - 15:57
Hallo, ich bin noch dabei den Text zu vereinfachen. Also vielleicht kannst du mir helfen, wenn ich dir sage, dass der Text für Kinder oder Jugendliche sein soll. Also es hat mit einer verlorenden Wette angefangen mit einem Kind aus der 8. Klasse. Also muss dieser Text altersgemäß entsprechen.

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Antwort von majonese (ehem. Mitglied) | 23.11.2011 - 20:15

Brooklyn was until the fusion of the “New Yorker Boroughs” in 1898 the fourth biggest
city in the USA. It got its name from the Dutch community Breuckelen. Brooklyn has
an area of about 196 square kilometres and has about 2.5 million inhabitants. Brooklyn is located in the south of New York City.
In Brooklyn is one of the most famous bridges in the world, the “Brooklyn Bridge”. It
was finished in the year 1883 and it was the longest rope bridge of the world by this
The Brooklyn Bridge is one of the oldest suspension bridges in the United States.
From there you have an unbelievable view to “Lower
Manhattan” and the harbour.

In the “Brooklyn Academy of Music” are listed concerts, modern and classical dance
and theatre.
Not to miss is a visiting in the “Prospect Park”. It is a nice landscape architecture and
a modern zoo for children.
One of the most beautiful cemeteries is the “Green-Wood Cemetery”. With a
wonderful prospect of the harbour and thousands of trees and bushes.
In “Brooklyn Botanic Garden” are special gardens with plants from different climates.
Lots of people come to this garden to look at these unique plants.

One of the most interesting museums in NYC, the Brooklyn Museum of Art features five floors of classic European art collections. In the constant exhibitions there are more than 1, 5 million objects from Egyptian masterworks represented, until the modern art virtually from every culture.
The Brooklyn Children`s Museum, the world`s first museum dedicated to children, opened in December 1899. Also is the “New York Aquarium” on “Coney Island Boardwalk” with 300 animal species is a wonderful sights for children.
Onto “Coney Island” the cyclone roller coaster is also very famous.
In the east of the island in “Brighton Beach” lots of immigrants from Russia live there,
from there is also the nickname “little Odessa”.
“Sheepshead Bay” is the centre for fishers in New York City.

MCU Park in Coney Island
Brooklyn has a storied sports history. It has been home to many famous sports figures such as Vince Lombardi, Mike Tyson, Joe Torre, and Vitas Gerulaitis. Basketball legend Michael Jordan was born in Brooklyn but grown up in Wilmington, North Carolina.
Besondere Eigenschaften
eigentliche, praktisch
vertreten, repräsentiert
bestimmt, gewidmet
Roller coaster
Wirbelsturm ( Ziklon)
grown up

Das ist der Verbesserte Text. Helft mir bitte, indem ihr meine Fehler verbessert und einige Sätze gegebenfalls umformoliert. Vielen Dank

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