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korrektur essay englisch

Frage: korrektur essay englisch
(3 Antworten)

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People who work often say that students have an easy time. Do you agree?

I don`t think that students have an easier time than people who work often. Students have to spend a lot of time by learning, reading and preparing for their study. The average number of pages what they have to learn are 30 pages each lecture notes. That means more than 200 pages of scripts per week. It costs a lot of time to learn these notes and prepare for the next scripts. As a result students have less free-time for doing sport or other acitivities.
Otherwise studends are independent at all. Therefore many people think that students have an easy time because they have no duties. Many ot them are able to plan their time how they want. They have the choice to attend in a lecture or not. If not, they do other things, for example, to earn some money by working or to rest at home after clubbing.

mein zusätzliches problem: ich soll 200 words darüber schreiben mir fällt aber nicht mehr viel ein pro und contra hab ich kurz erläutert.
Frage von bombi (ehem. Mitglied) | am 30.10.2011 - 15:50

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Antwort von bombi (ehem. Mitglied) | 30.10.2011 - 19:34
hab das nochmal überarbeitet und erfolgreiche 200wörter :D

People who work often say that students have an easy time. Do you agree?

I don`t think that students have an easier time than people who work often. Students have to spend a lot of time by learning, reading and preparing for their study. The average number of pages what they have to learn are 30 pages each lecture notes. That means more than 200 pages of scripts per week. It costs a lot of time to learn these notes and prepare for the next scripts. As a result students have less free-time for doing sport or other acitivities. At the of the semester there are many exams that students have to pass in two weeks. The time of an exam amounts 60 or 90 minutes. That means you have less time to prove your knowledge of that what u have learned. Because of that many students feel under pressure during the exams. This is often the reason why students fail an examination.
Otherwise studends are independent at all. Therefore many people think that students have an easy time because they have no duties. All ot them are able to plan their timetable how they want. They have the choice to attend in a lecture or not. If not, they do other things, for example, to earn some money by working or to rest at home after clubbing.
All in all I disagree the statement `People who work often say that students have an easy time.` because I know how difficult it is to work as a student. I know some classmates who are able to work while studying but for me it is impossible to do the same.

Antwort von GAST | 30.10.2011 - 20:16
I don`t think that students have an easier time than people who work often. Students have to spend a lot of time [---] learning,
reading and preparing for their studies. The average number of pages [---] they have to learn are 30 pages of notes after each lecture.. That means more than 200 pages of scripts per week. It costs a lot of time to learn these notes and to prepare for the next scripts. As a result students have less free-time for doing sports or other acitivities. At the of the semester there are many exams [---]students have to pass in two weeks. The time of an exam amounts to 60 or 90 minutes. That means you have little time to prove your knowledge [---] you have learned. Because of that many students feel under pressure during these exams. This often is the reason for students to fail an examination.
Otherwise students are independent at all. Therefore many people think that students have an easy time because they have no duties (better: obligations). All of them are free to plan their timetable as they want to. They have the choice to attend [---] a lecture or not. If not, they do other things, for example, [---] earn some money by working or [---] rest at home after clubbing.
All in all I disagree with the statement `People who work often say that students have an easy time.` because I know how difficult it is to work as a student. I know some classmates who are able to work while studying but for me it is impossible to do so.


fett = korrigiert bzw. eingefügt; [---] = gestrichen

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Antwort von bombi (ehem. Mitglied) | 30.10.2011 - 20:30
danke :))
happy halloween x)

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