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Englisch referat :)

Frage: Englisch referat :)
(1 Antwort)

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Hey ihr Lieben ich muss morgen in Englisch ein Referat hlaten .. ich bin zwar sogut wie fertig, wuerde abger gerne trotzdem wissen ob der text von der rechtschreibung und von der satzstellung und all das richtig is :)

The Media influenced our lives every day more than we think. The information that we get from the media are very important for us. By the high technological state more always gains in the number of the different kinds of medium. Still newer and even better possibilities are sought to be able to pass information on to the population as fast as possible.
Which one is spread furthest and therefore is most frequently used count the television as one of that information source in the multimedia age. It has the greatest influence on the population at the moment.

Which one is spread furthest and therefore is most frequently used count the television as one of that information source in the multimedia age. It has the greatest influence on the population at the moment.

Frage von kittykaaat (ehem. Mitglied) | am 25.05.2011 - 20:59

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Antwort von kittykaaat (ehem. Mitglied) | 25.05.2011 - 21:57
kann mir echt keiner helfen :(

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