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Referat in Englisch

Frage: Referat in Englisch
(39 Antworten)


also ich muss morgen ein Referat in der Berufsschule(2.Lehrjahr Grohandelskaufmann) über meine Firma (Glasbranche) in Englisch halten.
Hatt jemand vielleicht eine Idee wo ich kurzfristig ein ähnliches herbekommen könnte?
Danke schonmal
GAST stellte diese Frage am 02.02.2010 - 13:54

Beiträge 40305
Antwort von matata | 02.02.2010 - 14:38
Deine Firma hat doch sicher einen Jahresbericht,
einen Tätigkeitsbericht, eine Mitarbeiterzeitung, die dir liefern was du brauchst.
________________________ - Team

Antwort von GAST | 02.02.2010 - 14:41
ne nicht wirklich...
Ich arbeite bei ner ziemlich kleinen Firma.
Ich bräuchte halt einfach ne Vorlage von ner anderen Firmenpräsentation in Englisch dass ich nur paar Sachen abändere und hinzufüge

Beiträge 40305
Antwort von matata | 02.02.2010 - 14:57
________________________ - Team

Antwort von GAST | 02.02.2010 - 15:00
So hier bitteschön:

German glass industry sees opportunities for growth: Export as growth engine
The tender shoots of economic growth in Germany is currently almost entirely fueled by exports. The glass industry is no exception. The German manufacturers of glass machinery and equipment modified for 73% of the turnover generated by exports. Overall, the sector in Germany is, according to the department of glass plants and machinery within the VDMA, around 100 suppliers of machinery and equipment for the production, handling and processing as well as for the handling of flat, hollow and special glass. With about 4,000 employees each have an annual turnover of around 600 million euros. The most important customers and hence crucial to the demand for glass machinery and equipment are manufacturers of flat glass (mainly for construction and automotive industries) and the producers of glass containers for the consumer goods industry. The main export markets for German manufacturers of glass machinery and equipment were in 2003 Eastern Europe, the Far East and some of the Middle East. In terms of individual countries should be highlighted, especially China and Russia as major markets. Orders to take the German manufacturers of machinery and equipment for production and processing of flat glass in 2003 achieved sales of approximately € 144 million. Although sales in the first quarter of 2004 compared to the same period again decreased by 33%, sees the industry is optimistic about the future. Because the value of new orders as evidence of business development in the coming months was higher in early 2004 with over € 50 million compared to the same period by 40%. Therefore be targeted in the export business new record figures: in the first quarter of 2004 over 93% of orders came from abroad. The reason is a development whose tendency is already in the fourth quarter of 2003 became clear: a strong increase in demand from the countries in the Far East. Compared to the same period increased tenfold in the first quarter of 2004, orders from Asia. Moreover, a slight increase in demand from North America (up 7.5%) and the Middle East (up 6.5%). Domestic demand fell by 30%, however, continue to back orders from EU countries increased by 45%. Thus early 2004, nearly half of all orders from Asia () 48%, followed by the EU countries with 25.5%, North America, with 12%, Eastern Europe and the Middle East with 5.6% to 5.4%. Integrated solutions are in high demand due to decreasing prices for the raw material of glass, the low demand for high-quality industrial glass and a market concentration among manufacturers of tableware was the readiness to invest in new equipment in this segment in 2003 is very low. While the focus of the German manufacturers of machinery for the production of high quality crystal, was especially sought after abnehmerseitig mass of glass. Could claim in 2003 that companies that can offer integrated solutions. Similarly, the situation is in the range of the machine manufacturer for bottle production. Since late last year, but here again recorded some orders, particularly from Central Europe and the Far East. Optimistic for 2004 are also manufacturers of machinery and equipment for the production of glass tubing, which anticipated this year at least a slight movement in the market. Also here are the main export markets of the Far East and Russia. Overall, the glass industry machinery and equipment manufacturers with the business in 2003 is satisfied. This is especially true for those who early on exports. Glass hopes for 2005 for the German glass industry in 2003 was the second consecutive year of recession. According to the Federation of Association of the glass industry in the past year, total sales fell by 2.1% to € 7.9 billion. Main reason was the disproportionately strong decline in domestic business, which declined by 3.7% to € 5.0 billion. Abroad, the industry reached 2.9 billion €, with the other hand, increased by 1% sales than last year. This increased the export ratio of 34.8% in 2002 to 36%. The number of employees fell by 2.4% to 57,625 employees. On the German market, the glass industry was suffering, especially among the weary and the persistent weakness of investment construction. Thus, only the area was recorded mineral fibers with a Umatz increase by 5.1% to € 1.0 billion, a significant increase. In flat glass for the building you noted in the other hand, significant decreases in sales domestically. Flat glass (base glass), the minus was 6.7% (to € 0.66 billion). The 35% of the total market`s largest sector, the flat glass processing, recorded a sales decrease of 2.4% to € 2.8 billion. The manufacturers of technical glass and special glasses also have suffered significant losses in domestic sales: € 1.3 billion represent a decrease of 6.2%. Strongly affected by the consumption levels of consumer confidence was the Kristal and industrial glass industry. Revenues of € 0.56 billion to 3.8% from the previous year. The glass container industry on the domestic market, however recorded a slight increase of 0.7% to € 1.56 billion. The strong sales reductions in non-returnable beverage bottles, as a result of the mandatory deposit was temporarily offset by the summer surge in demand and by increased orders from recycled bottles. Despite a small momentum in our international business, the German glass manufacturer, 2003, the total could surpass last year`s level slightly. There were dips in the export of specialty glass and technical glass, and of consumer goods made of glass (crystal and glass industry), suffered its sales opportunities abroad under the euro`s appreciation considerably. Decline was also the foreign sales of basic flat glass. The other product areas showed increases in foreign business, however. Trough is crossed 2004 After the Association`s figures were in the early months of 2004, orders and sales continue to decline. Neither the domestic business took care of exports for more effective stimulus. Therefore, the glass industry for 2004 is expected no radical improvement in the situation, although increased slightly in the first months of production capacity in the company. In the industry we are confident, however, pass through the valley during the course of the year. It hopes thereby also reinforcing impulses through the "glasstec 2004". For 2005, the glass industry even expects a sustained upturn. Risks to this development provides the industry especially in some political activities. Above all, the C02 emissions, the Renewable Energies Act (EEG) and the truck toll feared to significantly higher tax burdens on businesses. There are also structural special factors such as the negative impact of the compulsory deposit on disposable drinks packaging and the collapse of the markets for video glasses. Even the German glass craftsmen optimistic glazing industry as the third pillar of the German glass industry could not survive long without prejudice to the economic weakness and reluctance to invest in all areas. Against the backdrop of spectacular declines in sales and corporate collapses, it proved, however, according to the Federal Guild Association of Glaserhandwerks (BIV) once more resilient and able to respond flexibly to adversity. With around € 4 billion is devoted to the glazier trade around 10% of the total turnover of the German craft. Although it could not go all firms with order backlogs of more than four months into the year, but the industry expects an increase in investment-and does so with a slight optimism in the future. In addition, you are sure the association that will come from the "glasstec 2004" concrete positive economic signals. For the future looks, the German glass craftsmen technologically well prepared. In addition, we set out on the traditional market orientation also addressing new target groups.

Antwort von GAST | 02.02.2010 - 15:05
Und wo sind meine Credits?

Antwort von GAST | 02.02.2010 - 15:07
ja erstmal danke ist schonmal ein anfang aber ich bräuchte ne vorlage von nem Referat was irgendjemand mal über am besten ne ähnliche Firma gehalten hatt?
wo ich halt nur firma, größe usw. abändern muss
könntest du sowas auch auftreiben

Antwort von GAST | 02.02.2010 - 15:10
Tut mir Leid das ist das Einzige was ich gefunden hab.. Und nachdem Topic zu urteilen hast du das auch gewollt..Ein "ähnliches" Esgibt leider kein online Referat über deine Glasbranchen Firma.. Und daher würd ichg erne mein Reward haben ^^ Außerdem kansnte den Text ya etwas umgestalten alles in allem ist es gegeben.

Beiträge 40305
Antwort von matata | 02.02.2010 - 15:12
Die Userin hat 20 Minuten Zeit, um zu entscheiden, wem sie die Credits geben will.
Sie hat allerdings keinen Bericht über die deutsche Glasindustrie im allgemeinen gesucht, sondern einen Geschäftsbericht eines einzelnen Betriebes, an dem sie sehen kann, wie so etwas aufgebaut wird und was für Punkte enthalten sein sollten.
________________________ - Team

Antwort von GAST | 02.02.2010 - 15:12
jaja schon ok...
und ein REferat über irgendeine firma?
wo ich die 2 Sachen bisschen miteinander verknüpfen kann

Antwort von GAST | 02.02.2010 - 15:13
Naja Erstens war ya kein name der FIrma gegeben. 2tens weiß ich net ob jemand schonmal ein referat darüber geschrieben hat über deise Firma und dann es noch Online gestellt hat zumal ich absolut NIX gefunden hab Sorry aber das sit weitest gehend das Beste was ich gefunden habe.

Antwort von GAST | 02.02.2010 - 15:14
ne ich hab ein ähnliches Referat gesucht
was bringt mir ein Geschäftsbericht von der deutschen Post?
Soll ich die Gewinne von denen meiner Klasse vortragen oder was?

Beiträge 40305
Antwort von matata | 02.02.2010 - 15:14
@ GCx3: Wenn man Credits bettelt, sollte man eigentlich keine bekommen! Die Userin entscheidet allein.
________________________ - Team

Antwort von GAST | 02.02.2010 - 15:15
hast du nix was jemand mal über seine Firma geahlten hat egal welche so vom ausbau einleitung usw.

Antwort von GAST | 02.02.2010 - 15:15
Isch bettele net. Isch verlange ich mach das doch net einfach so im Netz nach irgendwelchen dämlichen Branchen suchen.. Er hat ein ähnlichen Bericht gewollt er hat einen bekommen. Was besseres wird er nicht finden daher.

Antwort von GAST | 02.02.2010 - 15:16
Wie heißt überhaupt deien Firma das wäre vllt nützlich.

Antwort von GAST | 02.02.2010 - 15:18
Viele Leute hier helfen wie selbstverständlich und verlangen auch nicht unbedingt ihren Lohn.
Außerdem hat ihm dein Beitrag ja überhaupt nichts gebracht.
Also ist er auch keine Belohnung wert.

Antwort von GAST | 02.02.2010 - 15:18
schaus dir mal an
weißt ich hatt ewig kein wirkliches Englisch mehr
ich bräuchte halt vom aufbau ein gutes REferat wo ich nur paar Dinge abändern muss

Antwort von GAST | 02.02.2010 - 15:19
Wie nix gebracht? er hat geschrieben das wäre ein Anfang. ;) Laber nicht so nen Schwachsinn daher. Außerdem ist es mir *****egal was andere tun.

Antwort von GAST | 02.02.2010 - 15:19
danke es gibt auch noch nette Leute auf der Welt xD

Antwort von GAST | 02.02.2010 - 15:20
da hast du auch wieder Recht
aber sorry so kann ich der morgen nicht vortragen

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