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Comment - Environment

Frage: Comment - Environment
(1 Antwort)

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Hallo alle Zusammen,

ich habe als Hausaufgabe auf, einen Comment zu schreiben über: How can protecting the environment create new jobs...

jetzt weiß ich nicht so recht, wie ich anfangen soll! Mein Lehrer möchte immer eine sehr ausführliche Einleitung... weiß jetzt aber nicht was ich bei der Einleitung scheiben soll.

Vielleicht habt ihr ein paar Ideen...

Danke & Lg
Frage von bebiehh16 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 10.05.2011 - 18:51

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Antwort von Waveboarder (ehem. Mitglied) | 11.05.2011 - 13:49
Protecting the enviroment ist a topical problem since 1950, when David Keeling prooved that the carbon dioxide proportion is raising.
For more than 50 years now researcher are working out solutions for the global problem. A big part saving in protecting the environment could be switching off the nuclear power stations. But then a big problem would turn up: All the workers and specialists would maybe loose their jobs in the power stations. But we have to note, that the power stations can´t stand there in the landscape. The trash has to be sorted out. We need the specalists for that.
If we switch off the power stations, we need other ways to produce electricity. Maybe big wind turbines have to be buildt, and there people are needed to work in this turbines. So even if we manage to get rid of the nuclear power stations and find alternatives, we need more people for the jobs. And in many counries the unemployment is a big problem, so that could be a solution for this, too.
So, ich hoffe ich konnte dir helfen.

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