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Englisch - Dialog korrigieren , bitte !

Frage: Englisch - Dialog korrigieren , bitte !
(4 Antworten)

Hallo. Wie bestimmt schon einige wissen bin ich nicht die Beste in enlisch. Ich muss aber leider für die Schule ein Dialog halten mit einem Mädchen dass noch weniger englisch kann als ich:)

Das ist der Text den ich geschrieben habe:

( R ) Hi Pamela. I`m glad, that you could come
( P ) You`re welcome
( R ) come sit
( P ) How are you ?
( R ) Not so well ( Sie greift zur Flasche )
( P ) I thought you stopped drinking
( R ) I can`t. I don`t make it allone
( P ) You` re not allone. You are my best friend, I will
always be there for you
( R ) The reason why I want that you come so fast is:
I`m pregnant.
( P ) Oh Randa
( R ) ( Greift erneut zur Flasche )
( P ) ( Nehme ihr die Flasche weg ) You have a hugh
responsibility, not only for your life seperate
for the liefe of your unborn child too.

( R ) Oh Pamela, that`s not a child yet, it`s just
so small
( P ) Randa, even in the first months of pregnancy can
big malformations happen
( R ) That`s not true. What are you telling there
( P ) If you don`t believe me then ask your gynecologist
( R ) Ah he knows nothing too. In addition I don`t drink
so much as before, to the baby will just nothing
( P ) Randa, alcohol is poison for you and for your baby.
All that you take to you, the baby gets too.
Thatswhy is every drip alcohol to much.
Randa, I know you love children and you ever
wanted to have someone. Do you want that your
child come healthy to the world.
( R ) Of course I want. But the time is so wrong.
( P ) Yes, but it`s not possible to change. Do you want
the child or do you don`t want the child.
( R ) I want it.
( P ) Then you have to go to the rehab
( R ) Yes, you are right. I don`t make it allone.
I will go to rehab.
( P ) I`m glad, that`s the right decision.

Bitte helft mir, korriegiert mich
GAST stellte diese Frage am 09.05.2011 - 19:41

Beiträge 0
Antwort von 0XxcookiexX0 (ehem. Mitglied) | 09.05.2011 - 22:14
( R ) Hi Pamela. I`m glad, that you could come

( P ) You`re welcome
( R ) come sit --> Take/Have a seat
( P ) How are you ?
( R ) Not so well ( Sie greift zur Flasche ) --> Not very well
( P ) I thought you stopped drinking
( R ) I can`t. Not allone
( P ) You` re not allone. You are my best friend, I`m always there for you
( R ) The reason why you should come so fast is:
I`m pregnant.
( P ) Oh Randa
( R ) ( Greift erneut zur Flasche )
( P ) ( Nehme ihr die Flasche weg ) You have a hugh
responsibility, not only for your life as well as for the life of your unborn child

( R ) Oh Pamela, that`s not a child yet, it`s just
so small
( P ) Randa, even in the first months of pregnancy this causes birth deformities
( R ) That`s not true. Careful what you say.
( P ) If you don`t believe me then ask your gynecologist
( R ) Ah he also knows nothing. In addition I don`t drink
asmuch as before and therefore it couldn`t happen something to my baby
( P ) Randa, alcohol is poison for you and for your baby.
Everything what you drink or eat is also the aliment for your child.
That`s why that even every drip alcohol is to much.

Randa, I know you love children and you ever
wanted to have someone. Do you want that your
child comes healthy to world.
( R ) Of course I want. But the time is so wrong.
( P ) Yes, but it`s not possible to change. Do you want
the child or do you don`t want the child.
( R ) I want it.
( P ) Then you have to go to the rehab
( R ) Yes, you are right. But I can`t do it allone. Can you support me?
( P ) Of course! I`m glad, that`s the right decision.

Antwort von GAST | 10.05.2011 - 12:57
( R ) Hi Pamela. I`m glad, that you could come
( P ) You`re welcome
( R ) Have a seat
( P ) How are you ?
( R ) ( Sie greift zur Flasche ) Not very well
( P ) I thought you have stopped drinking
( R ) I can`t. Not alone
( P ) You` re not alone. You are my best friend, I`m always there for you
( R ) The reason why I wanted you to come so fast is:
I`m pregnant.
( P ) Oh Randa
( R ) ( Greift erneut zur Flasche )
( P ) ( Nimmt ihr die Flasche weg ) You have a huge.
responsibility, not only for your life but the life of your unborn child as well.

( R ) Oh Pamela, that`s not a child yet, it`s just
so small
( P ) Randa, even in the first months of pregnancy drinking alcohol causes deformities of the unborn.
( R ) That`s not true. Be careful what you are saying.
( P ) If you don`t believe me, ask your gynecologist
( R ) Ah he also doesn`t know anything. In addition I don`t drink as much as before and therefore nothing will happen to my baby
( P ) Randa, alcohol is poison for you and for your baby.
Everything you drink or eat is also food for your child.
That`s why even every drop alcohol is too much.
Randa, I know you love children and you have ever
wanted to have one yourself. Do you want that your
child comes healthy to world.
( R ) Of course I want. But the time is so wrong.
( P ) Yes, but it`s not possible to change. Do you want the child or not?
( R ) I want it.
( P ) Then you have to go to the rehab
( R ) Yes, you are right. But I can`t do it alone. Can you support me?
( P ) Of course! I`m glad, that`s the right decision.

Ich habe die vorliegende Korrektur noch etwas "nachverbessert!"

@ 0XxCookiexX0, du hast bei diesem sehr einfach geschriebenen Text mehr als 20 Fehler übersehen, bzw. einige Fehler hinein"verbessert"; bitte überlege dir, ob du in Zukunft als Englisch-Fachfrau hier arbeiten möchtest.

Beiträge 6130
Antwort von RichardLancelot | 10.05.2011 - 13:30
bitte überlege dir, ob du in Zukunft als Englisch-Fachfrau hier arbeiten möchtest.

Immerhin wurden Fehler aufgezeigt. Da Englisch nicht in Ihrem Profil unter "Experte für:" gelistet ist gibt es gleich noch weniger Grund für solche Äußerungen. Die Community hier basiert auf gegenseitiger Hilfestellung und nicht auf der Omnipräsenz einiger Weniger die betreffende Themengebiete perfekt beherrschen, sonst köönten wir auch knappe 404900 Mitglieder löschen und nur noch eine Startseite mit eMail-Kontaktformular führen.

Antwort von GAST | 10.05.2011 - 22:21
Ich bedanke mich vom Herzen.
Vielen vielen dank.

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