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Englisch Review Scream 4

Frage: Englisch Review Scream 4
(2 Antworten)

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ich musste als Hausaufgabe ein review schreiben, bitte verbessert die Fehler :-)

Scream 4“, directed by Wes Creaven („Scream 1-3“, “Red Eye”) is a horror movie about a masked killer who calls his victims before killing them.
The film opened on May 5th ,in the German cinemas.
Ten years after Scream 3, the continued „Scream 4“is published. The actors Neve Campbell, Courteney Cox and David Arquette returned back in their old roles. It is directed by Wes Craven, who directed also the first three movies.
Sidney Prescott is a famous book author who writes a famous horror story. After 15 years she returns back to her old city Woodsboro. Hardly is she there, the killer started to killing. Many old friends from Sidney have to die. The killer wears a white mask and kills his victims always with a big knife. Before killing he calls them and says scary things for example: “I am in your wardrobe and I will be the last person you see in your life”. It looks very brutal when he sting with the knife in the people. Much blood is shed.
Not many special effects are used but the music is often very scary.
All in all it is a typical horror film which is scary and brutal. Perhaps it is a bit boring for the people which saw scream 1-3, because in every four parts the schematic is the same.

Danke & Liebe grüße Simon,
Frage von simon922 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 09.05.2011 - 15:26

Beiträge 38
Antwort von aimerlicious | 09.05.2011 - 19:26
Scream 4“, directed by Wes Creaven („Scream 1-3“, “Red Eye”) is a horror movie about a masked killer who calls his victims before killing them. The film was released on May 5th ,in the German cinemas.

Ten years after Scream 3, the continued „Scream 4“was published. The actors Neve Campbell, Courteney Cox and David Arquette returned back in their old roles. It is directed by Wes Craven, who also directed the first three movies.

des hab ich schon mal korregiert

Antwort von GAST | 09.05.2011 - 22:18
Ten years after Scream 3, the continued „Scream 4“ has been published. The actors Neve Campbell, Courteney Cox and David Arquette returned back into their old roles. It was directed by Wes Craven, who had also directed the first three movies.
Sidney Prescott is a famous book author who has written a famous horror story. After 15 years she returns back to her old city Woodsboro. She is hardly there, when the killer starts his killings. Many of Sidney`s old friends have to die. The killer wears a white mask and always kills his victims with a big knife. Before killing he calls them and says scary things for example, “I am in your wardrobe and I am the last person you will see in your life”. It looks very brutal when he stings with the knife in the people. Much blood is shed.
Not many special effects are used but the music often is very scary.
All in all it is a typical horror film which is scary and brutal. Perhaps it is a bit boring for the people who have seen Scream 1-3, because in each of the four parts the scheme is the same.

schwarz fet: Korrekturen / Einfügungen /Umstellungen


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