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Englisch ; Dry Australia Text - Bitte um Kontrolle . Danke

Frage: Englisch ; Dry Australia Text - Bitte um Kontrolle . Danke
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The changes in the climate in and around Australia have a direct impact on daily life, almost all Australians. Here are a few of the episodes:

The dryness can be hundreds of Australian farmers unemployed because nothing can be grown without rain. This has more serious effects on the demographic and economic trend of Australia.The missing rain led to the result that in many places, water has become extremely scarce. The Government is launching extensive campaigns and adopt new laws to force the inhabitants to save water.Heat waves have declined to frosts. In the northwest of Australia while it rains more in the south and east drought.The bush fires are piling up and seem to be more extreme because the flora is so dry that even the smallest fire can easily get out of control. The northern regions are more frequent heavy rainfall and cause severe damage. This leads then to pod for higher fire risk.The warming seas are partly responsible for that many marine species such as Whales or their habitat trails lose to get lost and die. Not infrequently one hears of Maas die on Australia`s beaches.
Frage von Priincess.65 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 01.05.2011 - 18:34

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