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Referat: The Ozone Hole - a curse for Australia

Alles zu LandeskundeDefinition Ozone Hole The ozone hole is above the Antarctica Just a little part is located above Australia Ozone thickness is measured in DU What Is Ozone? „ozone“ from „ozein“ Naturally occuring unstable molecule absorbs the dangerous UV radiation Absorbed Radiation UV radiation is absorbed by the atmosphere UV-A- and UV-B – radiation are absorbed by the ozone layer to 90 % Reactions in the Stratosphere How is the Ozone Measured? Australia takes part in a international monitoring project column ozone is measured by stations all over the world The measuring instrument is calles Dobson Spectrophotometer History of Ozone Hole 1956 – measurements began (Ozone Hole Antarctica) 1957 – ozone 320 DU 1970 – ozone 290 DU 1990 – ozone 130 DU Ozone area 26 million km² Consequences Animals: - sunburn Humans: - sunburn - skin cancer (1.200 Australians die per year) cataracts - eye cancer Economic costs for Australia: $300 billion per year Ozone Hole above Australia? Montreal Protocol Set limits on production of harmful chemical substances Signed on September 16, 1987 Today 168 nations are involved Promise: recovery of the ozone layer in 50 to 100 years Question: Do you think that this promise will become true? Sources - Internet sources: - literary sources: Jahr der Geowissenschaften – Atmosphäre A.Raabe, K.Arnold; Institut für Meteorologie der Universität Leipzig; 2002 Der belebte Planet Margot Böse, Helmut Keupp; Sonderheft der Berliner Geowissenschaftlichen Abhandlungen der FU Berlin; 2002 * THE OZONE HOLE - A curse for Australia - URL: URL: URL: URL: changed URL: URL: URL: www. theozonehole. com UV radiation damages the genetic information (DNA) the cell repairmechanism wants to repair the genetic information the repair possibility is lower than the damage the genetic information changes Creation of Skin Cancer I URL: www. Skin Cancer II the genetic information changes The cells become skin cancer cells because of the UV-B radiation the skin cancer cells continue to divide THE RESULT URL: URL: PSCs support ozone decline temperatures become lower PSCs bigger Ozone Hole bigger, too URL: *


Definition Ozone Hole
What Is Ozone?
Absorbed Radiation
Reactions in the Stratosphere
-> Animation
How is the Ozone Measured?
History of Ozone Hole
Creation of Skin Cancer I
Skin Cancer II
Ozone Hole above Australia?
Montreal Protocol
von unbekannt
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