Uniform oder nicht Uniform
Frage: Uniform oder nicht Uniform(1 Antwort)
Hallo Helfer und Helferinnen, ich bitte euch mein Englisch-Text über "dresscode" zu korregieren oder ergänzen, falls da etwas fehlt oder falsch ist. Danke im Vorraus. A fixed dress code helps the students perform academically better. Apart from removing distraction, uniforms compel students to take school environment more seriously. Children tend to be misjudged and ridiculed by others due to the kind of clothes they wear. Thus, uniforms reduce social conflict and violence in the schools. One of the most profound benefits of having schools uniforms is that they are highly cost effective and relieve the parents from the burden of buying fashionable and expensive clothes every now and then. Another ill effect of school uniform is that it deprives the children the comfort, which one experiences on wearing different type of clothing, as per individual choice. This discomfort might adversely reflect upon the academic performance of the child. In comparison to civil dress, school uniforms prove to be futile and wasteful once the child is out of school. |
Frage von QuizMan (ehem. Mitglied) | am 27.04.2011 - 09:36 |
Antwort von Waveboarder (ehem. Mitglied) | 28.04.2011 - 12:01 |
"helps the students" durch "could help the stundents" ersetzen. |
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