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Child labour in cotton fields

Frage: Child labour in cotton fields
(2 Antworten)

bitte einmal durchlesen ich bin nicht sehr gut in englisch aber ich hab es mal versucht...

Child labour in the cotton industry

In the south of Indian work the children’s on the cotton plantations, from morning to night.
They have work 7-12 hours on the cotton field.
They work every day and get their daily wages for ca. 0,40 Euro.
Children are sent by their families on the field.
The families who they don´t have a own land, they work as day laborers on the plantations of the farmers.
If the parents of the child´s borrow money from the peasants, then the children must work on that wage.
The girls are more desired because they working as clever in the field.
There are children from other village’s works in the field, these children´s are in shelters, where it there cold is and there is not warm and clean water.
The life in this areas are very difficult, the girls have it wvwn more difficult because they are raped by the farmers.
The children suffer greatly.
The accommodations of the children are 6-7 km away from the job, after work they will have driven with a trailer with a tractor to the accommodation or place work.
When you produce cotton you must first remove the cover and flower leaves to the seed, after which one has to be changed, so it creates a crossing of the plants.
Then they are planted and harvested. The children´s have to perform this operation with his hands.
After the cotton is ready they harvested and collected in cotton bales.
These are carried on the backs of the children to collection points. From there they are transported by a van and driven to the factory.
Before all this is done, the plants are sprayed with pesticide´s this is a pant protection product.
The children spray the plant without gloves and mouth guard, they wear the clothes with which they sleep.
These chemicals come to skin rashes, pneumonia or some suffering from shortness of breath.
You can´t leave well treated by the doctors because they don´t have enough money.
Some is deserves money directly to parents and the children have none of it.
150.000 children are dying annually from the oil.
GAST stellte diese Frage am 04.12.2010 - 14:37

Antwort von GAST | 04.12.2010 - 15:09
Sei bitte nicht böse, wenn ich sage, dass der Text nicht korrigierbar ist:

du hast die auf Deutsch geschriebene Vorlage Wort für Wort ins Englische übertragen, und dabei vor allem im Satzbau und bei den Zeiten gravierende Fehler gemacht.


Antwort von GAST | 04.12.2010 - 15:15
Nein ich bin nicht böse (ich bin nicht die account besitzerin, sondern die freundin, nicht das man sie falsch versteht)

ich weiß das ich in englisch nicht gut bin aber ich weiss auch nicht wie ich das machen soll...

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