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Frage: englisch verbessern
(5 Antworten)

Könnte vielleicht jemand den text verbessern? Danke (:

Child labour is today a order of the day in Asia, Africa, Latin America and also in Europe.
Worldwide have similary 250 million children to work from the age five until fourteen.

The working conditions are very hard for the children. (Sarina)

What kind of work must they do
They must for example cord(nähen) T-shirts and cheap bags in Bangkok and Seoul, make footballs in Peshawar or work in India, Patisktan, Nepal and cord carpets(Teppiche). But they also clean shoes and cars and pick up the waste. Or the girls work as housemaids(Dienstmädchen) in private houses. (Lena)

The reasons why they do this
The children do this because their families are large and poor. The children have to help their family and earn their share of the family income. A other reason is that the schools in some places in the world are so bad that the children prefer working instead of going to school or they have to pay for their schools. The children aren´t organized in trade unions which could defend their rights and fight for better working conditions. (Sarina)

Why children not adults?
For employers it is cheaper to give work to children, especially to girls, who earn even less than boys. (Annika)

Data of child labour
Very often it´s very difficult to get reliable data on child labour. Lots of the children aren´t registered when they was born, so it´s hard to tell how old they aren when they start working. And how we say before some work in private houses. It´s difficult to do anything about it because there aren´t any statistics. (Annika)

Gasexplosions in Thailand
In a matchstick firm in Thailand six girls under 14 years died because of the explosion. It´s hard to understand but the explosions was only three lines long in the German medias. (Lena)
GAST stellte diese Frage am 05.07.2010 - 20:17

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Antwort von Marichenkaefer (ehem. Mitglied) | 05.07.2010 - 20:26
nicht "a order" sondern an order.

Wenn ein "a" vorm Vokal un dem H steht, kommt ein N ans A.

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Antwort von Juss (ehem. Mitglied) | 05.07.2010 - 21:10
>> today, child labour is an order of.... zeitabgaben immer am anfang oder am ende des satzes
>> at the age of five ,oder (is jetzt aber nur subjektiv) beginning at the age ofe five(ohne son bisschen confusing)
>> similary istn bisschen unverständlich,heisst meines wissens nach "ähnlich";besser ist vielelicht "worldwide have over 250 milion children to work... oder den satz mit "about"
>>must ist immer son bisschen lálá..benutz so oft es geht "have to",dann ist die bedeutung auch immer zu 100% richtig^^
>>"But they also clean shoes and cars and pick up the waste. Or the girls work as housemaids" zweiteres ist kein vollständoger satz,mach lieber einen aus 2 "boys also have to clean shoes and cars or to pick up the waste,while girls are prefered to work as housemaids" oder so ähnlich.
>> im dritten absatz stimmt das large weniger,glaub cih zumindest. large bezieht sich mehr auf konkrete dinge,also auf hosen oder tische. ich würde an deiner stelle "big" nehmen.
>> an other reason (probably might be a bad school system that make the children prefere working instead...)
>> a lot of children haven`t been registered when they were born..
>> as we said before..
>> besser als to do anything about ist, ist to do anything against it, oder to do anything to solve that problems.
>> das mit den three lines long ist zwar gut,aber etwas missverständlich..vllt besser zu schreiben "it`s hard to understand that german media didn`t care about this just spent some little lines in the newspapers (damit man weiss,was mit den zeilen gemeint ist) ;-)

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Antwort von Juss (ehem. Mitglied) | 05.07.2010 - 21:12
ojeoje..fehlerteufel! 3ter punkt: worldwide over 250 children have to is die satzstellung richtig :D

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Antwort von Smoki0911 (ehem. Mitglied) | 05.07.2010 - 21:16
Worldwide have similary 250 million children to work from the age five until fourteen.

klingt doof. Similary sagt man eher bei gegenständlichen Dingen, z.Bsp. You`re looking similar to me --> Du siehst mir ähnlich.
Bei Schätzungen mit Zahlen sagt man eher about:
There are about 250 million children aged between five and fourteen working worldwide.

Or the girls work as housemaids(Dienstmädchen) in private houses.

Keinen Satz mit "Or" beginnen!
Vielleicht eher: Some of the girls work as housmaids...

The children have to help their family and earn their share of the family income.

äh.. hä?
die Kinder müssen ihren Familien helfen: also schonmal familIES und nicht familY.
Willst du mit dem Rest des Satzes sagen, dass die Kinder sich ihren Anteil am Familieneinkommen verdienen müssen? Dann stimmt der Satz.

Willst du aber sagen, dass die Kinder das verdiente Geld teilen müssen, um die Familienkasse aufzustocken, dann stimmt er nicht.

Dann könnte man z.Bsp. schreiben: The children have to help their families and share their earnings with the them for a higer income.

A other reason is that the schools in some places in the world...

An other reason is that the schools AT some places...
Man sagt AN manchen Plätzen.

Very often it´s very difficult to get reliable data on child labour. Lots of the children aren´t registered when they was born, so it´s hard to tell how old they aren when they start working.

At the most (klingt besser) it`s very difficult to get reliable data about child labour. Lots of the children were not registred when they have been born, so it`s hard to tell how old they were when they started working.

And how we say before some work in private houses.

"how" sagt man nicht, wenn man sich auf einen Vergleich bezieht. There is the same problem with working in private houses, as (oder like) we said before.

Ich hoffe ich konnte dir helfen.

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Antwort von shirilein | 05.07.2010 - 21:39
Merk dir mal die einfache SVO-Regel. Erst das Subjekt, dann das Verb und dann das Objekt. Das hilft dir vllt. die einzelnen Satzglieder nicht zu durcheinander zu werden.

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