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Follow-Up Order kontrollieren.Verbesserungsvorschläge,bitte!

Frage: Follow-Up Order kontrollieren.Verbesserungsvorschläge,bitte!
(3 Antworten)

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Hey :)
Wir mussten, wie in der Beschreibung erwähnt, ein Follow-Up Order schreiben.
Ja, wäre nett wenn jemand nach Fehlern bzw. Verbesserungsvorschlägen suchen könnte. Seid hart :)

Vorallem der Stil ist bei mir so ne Sache :S

Dear Mr Sosa

Confirming the telephone order of 30 August

In confirmation of the order we placed with you by phone on 30 August we enclose our order form No. 7684KW. In order to not permit any mistakes, the order number for the 20,000 disk drives is QR 285 and for the 20,000 CD-R drives DS 82.

We will certainly take advantage of the cash discount you offered for prompt settlement and thank you for the 10% quantity discount you allowed us.

As we agreed upon the same delivery and payment conditions as in our previous order of 27 June, we trust that the goods will arrive in our factory in Leicester at the earliest opportunity.

Please send the account to our Purchasing Department, which addressee is known to your supplier.

Finally, we would like you to sign the enclosed order form and return a copy to us by way of confirmation.

Yours sincerely

C. Jackson

Curtis Jackson
Frage von Rubi-Bubi-Man (ehem. Mitglied) | am 28.11.2010 - 00:41

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Antwort von Rubi-Bubi-Man (ehem. Mitglied) | 28.11.2010 - 13:25
. . Niemand?

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Antwort von Rubi-Bubi-Man (ehem. Mitglied) | 28.11.2010 - 15:01
....... . . Niemand?

Antwort von GAST | 28.11.2010 - 16:38
Confirming the telephone order of 30 August

In confirmation of the order we placed with you by phone on 30 August we enclose our order form No. 7684KW. In order to not permit any mistakes, the order number

Da kommt inrgendwie 5 mal hintereinander das Wort "Order" vor. Wenn auch in verschiedenen zusammenhängen. Hmmm... glaub wäre gut wenn du das inwie umgehst..

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