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Travel journal

Frage: Travel journal
(3 Antworten)

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Travel Journal
Sunday21 March
We met us at the railway station in Meran at 1:30 and we all were tired and really excited.
At 2:00 the group was entire and the bus arrived at the Station. We, my friends and me, wanted to get the seats in the backside of the coach and so we ran to the back. The teachers checked if everyone was there and then we started in the direction of Munich. First, the whole coach was nonstop talking, but after a half hour the most of us felt asleep. The journey was really exhausting, because the coach seats were totally uncomfortable. I was absolutely relieved, when I saw the Munich airport. We get out from the coach and inhaled the fresh air, before we took our suitcases and entered in the airport. Many girls were afraid, that there suitcase was too heavy and so we went to a venture for checking the weight. The maximum weight might amount to 20 kilogram’s. The most of us were correct, only Giulia had to do something out of her suitcase. Then it was time to check in. First we had to show our identity card and to give up our suitcases, than we received our flight tickets. I was afraid, that my suitcase could open during the fly because the fastener was a little bit broken. After that our handbag was analyzed and we to. They checked if we took some arms, knifes or other dangerous things with us. Then we went to the waiting room and waited there until our fly was called. Many of us had never flown before and so they became more and more nervous. At 9:00 our airplane was ready to start and so we could go on board. I searched my seat and found it next to Magdalena, beside the corridor. At the other side of the corridor sat Valentine who was afraid, because she had never flown before and so I tried to calm her down. The fly was amazing and very pleasant. At 10.15 we landed in Manchester. That was an important moment for me, because I had the first time British ground under the feet. We checked out and get our suitcases unbrokenly back. Than we went with a Coach to Chester were our Host families collected us. I was in a family with Giulia and we were collected from our Host father called Nil. He was a very friendly and nice guy. With a Taxi we went to a small house in a big settlement which was our home for the next week. I was a bit disappointed from the house because we couldn’t lock the bathroom door, the shower was broken and our beds did terrible noises. First we thought that a bad week would expect us, but then we noticed that we had been taken up from a very nice family and all our worries were away. Nil and his neighbor took us already the first day to the city centre and showed us Chester. We loved Chester from the first moment. The old city town was amazing and there were so many cool shops. We went home at 17.00 and were surprised by a miraculous dinner. After the dinner we were awfully tired and so we went to bed early and very happy.

hey, bitte korrigieren!

Danke :)
Frage von Dopamin93 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 28.04.2010 - 20:25

Antwort von GAST | 28.04.2010 - 22:01
Travel Journal
Sunday 21st March
We met .... at the railway station in Meran at 1:30 and we all were tired and really excited. At 2:00 the group was complete and the bus arrived at the station. We,
my friends and I, wanted to get the seats in the backside of the coach and so we ran to the back. The teachers checked if everyone was there and then we started in the direction of Munich. First, there was non stop talking in the coach, but after half an hour ...most of us fell asleep. The journey was really exhausting, because the coach seats were totally uncomfortable. I was absolutely relieved, when I saw the Munich airport. We got out of the coach and inhaled the fresh air, before we took our suitcases and entered ... the airport. Many girls were afraid.... that their suitcases were too heavy and so we went to a venture? for checking the weight. The maximum weight had to amount to 20 kilograms. ... most of our suitcases were correct, only Giulia had to take some things out of her suitcase. Then it was time to check in. First we had to show our identity cardsand to check in our suitcases, then we received our flight tickets. I was afraid...that my suitcase could open during the flight because the fastener was a little bit broken. After that our handbag was analysed and then it was our turn. They checked if we had taken some arms, knives or other dangerous things with us. Then we went to the waiting room and waited there until our flight was called. Many of us had never flown before and so those became more and more nervous. At 9:00 our airplane was ready to start and so we could ... board it.. I searched my seat and found it next to Magdalena, next to the aisle. At the other side of the aisle ... Valentine was sitting.She was afraid, because she had never flown before and so I tried to calm her down. The flight was amazing and very pleasant. At 10.15 we landed in Manchester. That was an important moment for me, because I had British ground under the feet for the first time in my life.. We checked out and get our suitcases ...back - unharmed.. Thenwe went by coachto Chester were our host families were waiting for us. I was in a family with Giulia and we were met by our host father called Neal. He was a very friendly and nice guy. ... Wewent by taxi to a small house in a big settlement which was our home for the next week. I was a bit disappointed ofthe house because we couldn’t lock the bathroom door, the shower was broken and our beds made terrible noises. First we thought that a bad week would expect us, but then we noticed that we had been taken up by a very nice family and all our worries went away. Already on the first dayNeaal and his neighbour took us .... to the city centre and showed us Chester. We loved Chester from the first moment. The old city town was amazing and there were so many cool shops. We went home at 17.00 and were surprised by a miraculous dinner. After the dinner we were awfully tired and so we happily went to bed early .

Dopamin, du hast ja wirklich keinen Fehler, den man bei einer direkten Übersetzung vom Deutschen ins Englische machen kann, ausgelassen.

Korrektur: fet = verbessert bzw. eingefügt: "...." = hier wurde etwas gestrichen


Antwort von GAST | 28.04.2010 - 22:15
Treppenwitze sind die schönsten Witze: Du weißt nicht, was das ist?

Jemand erzählt einen Witz ... aber erst später, bei Hinausgehen, auf der treppe fängst du an zuz lachen.

So ist es mir eben gegangen, vielen Dank, ich werde diesen Wsitz in meine "Sammlung" der unmöglichen Übersetzungen aufnehmen:

Ich wußte mit dem "venture" in deinem Text nichts anzufangen.

"to venture" heißt "wagen"... ihr seid also zu einer "Waage" gegangen, also zu den "pair of scales"!

Ha, ha, ha.


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Antwort von Dopamin93 (ehem. Mitglied) | 29.04.2010 - 13:37
:( bin halt nicht gut in englisch!:( aber vielen vielen Danke für deine Hilfe!:)

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