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Nur mit dir (A walk to remember) bookpresentation

Frage: Nur mit dir (A walk to remember) bookpresentation
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Ich selbst bin ja nicht so zurfrieden mit meinem text und der wortwahl, aber weiß auch nicht was ich daran ändern kann. Also mit konstruktiver Kritik nicht sparen :)
Danke im Voraus.

Hier der Text:

Nur mit dir (A walk to remember) Book presentation

I present the book “Nur mit dir” written by Nicholas Sparks. The original title of the book is “A walk to remember”. The novel is about two different teenagers Landon and Jamie who fall in love with each other. The story is telling by Landon Carter when he is 57 years old. He is looking back to his past and takes the reader back to 1958, the year which changes his life.

Landon Carter is 17 years old and lives in Beaufort, North Carolina. Landon, a high school senior and the president of his high school, is of course a popular boy and it is very important for him what his friends think about him.
And there is Jamie Sullivan. She is minister’s (= Pfarrers) daughter and a wallflower (=Mauerblümchen). So she is not one of the most popular pupils. Jamie is always helpful and friendly and she always carrying her bible with her.
They both grown up together but they were not friends.
Landon asks Jamie to the homecoming dance at their High School because she was the only available girl. But at first Landon has to promise that he will not fall in love with her.
Both of them are in the drama class and both play the leading roles.
Landon’s friends make fun of him because he is playing the leading role and they make jokes that Landon is falling in love with Jamie but he says that it is not true.
At the theatre premiere Jamie looks very beautiful in her dress and Landon’s mind about her changes. Now they spent more and more time together and Landon notices how wonderful Jamie is. At the Christmas evening they are in an orphan asylum (=Weisenhaus) because Jamie collected money for Christmas present for the children there. In the orphan asylum Landon recognises that he falls in love with Jamie. Landon dates Jamie at the New Year’s Eve and they become a love couple.
When Landon says Jamie that he loves her Jamie has to tell him her sad secret that all changes.
What could be the very sad secret?

I chose this book because I like to read love stories and I would advise this book to everyone who likes to read very emotional books. It is romantically and sad. What I like is that the relationship between the two characters is going step by step and it wasn’t love at first sight. My first thought was that this book is a typical teenager love story but it isn’t. The secret makes it different to other teenager love stories. So I like this book very well.
Frage von sunshine-girll (ehem. Mitglied) | am 10.04.2010 - 19:09

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