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Knobelaufgabe-Mathe ohne Grenzen

Frage: Knobelaufgabe-Mathe ohne Grenzen
(8 Antworten)

Yo, des ist ne aufgabe von "Mathematik ohne Grenzen" 2010. Ich hab versucht die Aufgabe zu lösen, habs aber nicht geschafft, vllt schaffts hier ja einer:

You are a magician. You show a volunteer from the audience 3 tokens.

The three tokens each have a black side and a coloured side : red for one, green for another and blue for the last one.

The 3 tokens are laid in a line with their coloured sides showing and the black side down.
You ask your volunteer to choose one of the three colours and his choice secret. You make sure that you have noticed the colour of the middle token.

You are now blindfolded. You ask your volunteer to change round the positions of the colours he has not chosen and then to turn the 3 tokens over. You now see the black sides.

The blindfold is removed. You ask your volunteer to move the tokens around as he likes but you keep your eyes on the one which was in the middle.

You turn one token over and then you announce the colour of the token chosen by your volunteer.

How do you do it?
GAST stellte diese Frage am 17.03.2010 - 21:41

Antwort von GAST | 17.03.2010 - 22:19
suppose the bitch chooses a side token.
then the middle token and the other side token switch their positions. you watch at the other side token and turn it over. you see: the color of it and the color you remembered aren´t the same. your conclusion: she don´t have chosen the middle token, so the question is only what side token she have chosen.
the answer is clear, the rest ist trivial.

Antwort von GAST | 17.03.2010 - 22:41
hä? ich versteh das nicht, wenn sie jetzt das "other side token" umgedreht hat, dann gibt es ja zwei möglichkeiten, entweder die eine farbe oder die andere

Antwort von GAST | 17.03.2010 - 22:53
not really, the color is unique.

1. "the middle token changes the position if and only if she chooses the middle token"
2. "a sight token switches the position with the middle token if and only if she chooses the other side token"

think about it.

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Antwort von intelligenzbrot (ehem. Mitglied) | 17.03.2010 - 22:57
the middle token changes the position if and only if she chooses the middle token

No, the middle token does not change its position if the volunteer chooses it. It only changes the position if the volunteer chooses a side token.

Antwort von GAST | 17.03.2010 - 23:09
obvious that i only forgot a not (´cause p2).
negotiate 1, then it´s right.

Antwort von GAST | 18.03.2010 - 13:41
cool, I got it now!

Antwort von GAST | 18.03.2010 - 14:02
ist das sowas wie der Landes Mathematikwettbewerb?

Antwort von GAST | 18.03.2010 - 14:19
ähm des ist so en internationaler Mathewettbewerb für Klasse 10 und 11,
des macht man dann mit der gesamten Klasse

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