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Englisch Korrekturlesen (Newspaper-Articel)

Frage: Englisch Korrekturlesen (Newspaper-Articel)
(1 Antwort)

Also wir haben als Hausaufgabe auf einen Zeitungsartikel über eine Diskussionsrunde zu schreiben. Steht das dann alles in der Vergangenheit oder? Bin mir da nicht so sicher :S

Naja wäre lieb wenn sich das mal jemand durchlesen könnte sind bestimmt viele fehler drin x) hört sich auch iwie mehr nach nacherzählung an statt als zeitungsartikel aber naja lest selbst...

Last evening there was a great discussion about the issue if there should be drilling for oil or not in the Artic National Wildlife Refuge.
There were 4 guests to talk on this topic.
On the one hand there were an inuit and a representative of the oil industry. The both support the plan for opening the area for oil drilling.
On the other hand there were an enviromentalist and a caribou hunter. They were strongly against the oil drilling.
The enviromentalist said that thounsands of wild animals that depend on the Artic National Wildlife Refuge would be endangered.
The Inuit was afraid that when they don`t drill oil in the Artic National Wildlife Refuge that they will go on offshore and destroy the place from the whales he relied on.
But also it would be an hard change for the caribou hunters. They depend on the caribou meat for a living, because the nearest supermarket is 235 miles away.
The representative of the oil industry answered that the new technologies have been developed to minimise the ecological impact, so that only 8% of the Artic National Wildlife Refuge will be affect. And if the oil discovered les than 1% will be influenced.
All guests show important facts.
It keeps exciting.. how will the process go on!?
How will the administration decide?
(We report for you) Oder was könnte man hier schreiben? :S
GAST stellte diese Frage am 01.03.2010 - 18:18

Antwort von GAST | 01.03.2010 - 21:27
nett wenn mal jemand verbessern könnte :S
brauch das bis morgen :(

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