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Example: A tabloid article - "Psycho Doc"

Alles zu Ausarbeitungen, Interpretationen und Zusammenfassungen

PsychoDoc probably murdered over 150 patients

The cruelties of Doctor Herold Shipman probably damaged the bound of trust between patient and doctor for ever. The residence of the town Hyde is stunned. Today 225 years imprisonment had been pronounced on their beloved doctor Shipman. The court proved his guiltiness in 15 cases of inhuman and sick murders. He was jailed for life for murdering 15 women patients by
injecting them with diamorphine, commonly known
as heroin. Police have been investigating a further
160 cases involving Shipman. Probably the
number of his unknown victims is incredible higher,
because he burned most of the corpses and
destroyed the evidences. Trial judge Justice Forbes described Shipman as "an evil and wicked man" who cold-bloodedly perverted his medical skills.
The father of four clinically executed his victims not for money but for the "buzz" of being present at the time of death.
Shipman's known killing spree began in 1995 and only ended when the daughter of one of his victims became suspicious over her mother's sudden death. Even Angela Woodruff, the woman whose tenacity finally trapped him, found it hard to accept that Harold Shipman was a murderer.
"We began to think he had killed my mother, but it was very difficult to believe," she said yesterday. "We kept going over and over it and thinking round and round it and thinking: "It must be Dr Shipman but it can't be. It was just impossible. He was a doctor and my mother liked and respected him."
Shipman still denies his fault on the bloodshed, although the verdict is already pronounced. He left a trace of griefe and sorrow, most of the families can never trust a doctor again. The misery he brought over the people can never be repaid. We have to ask ourselves wether we could ever trust any doctor again.

Die Aufgabe war es, einen Boulevard-Artikel nach den übrlichen Merkmalen zu formulieren. Das Thema war vorgegeben: "Psycho – Doc probably murdered over 150 patients"
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