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Fällt euch ein besseres Ende ein?

Frage: Fällt euch ein besseres Ende ein?
(2 Antworten)

Hey =)
Müssen in Englisch in Charakter Profil von Brendan Lawlor, einem Amokläufer an einer Amerikansichen Schule im Buch "Ich knall euch ab" von Morton Rhue, als Zeitungsartikel schreiben.
Hab ihn geschrieben, so gut ich konnte, doch mir wollte so recht kein gutes Ende einfallen:

A bloody school dance evening

On Friday, Februaray 7th, at 10 pm a horrible massacre happened at the gym of Middletown Highschool. After the school dance, Gary Searle and Brendon Lawlor, both always bullied by classmates, shot two persons an took hostages. At least, Brendon was beaten into coma and Gary commited suicide.
Now, the question comes up, how a person can get into such an hopeless and aggressive situation. It seems to be the typical story of outsiders, who got mad at the end of his school career.
The teenager, Brendon Lawlor, was an examplary stundent, until he had to change his school. He misses his old friends and in the first three weeks, he didn’t say a word. At his new school, he In class nine he met Gary. At this moment, his behaviour changed a lot. At school he was bullied by the boys from the football team, or other „famous“ boys and girls.
His classmates and other people around him describe him as unpredictable. He seems to be dangerous, scary and aggressive. But he is also vocal and hates injustice. This is his way to attract attention.
Brendons favourite „hobbies“ were gaming and drinking alcohol. When he sat in front of the PC and played his videogames, he was like blown away. When Mrs. Lawlor came into the room, he didn’t notice a thing. Normally, he is quiet nice to his parents, when somebody of his friends are around him. But when they’re away, his mother couldn’t control him.
Violence often changes it face- it expresses by use of weapons and fists, of by words, which develope in contempt. If nobody changes his behaviour in american schools, there will be quite more tragedies.

Der letzte Abschnitt ist mein Ende. Fällt euch was besseres ein oder ist das gut so =( Keine ahnung ...
GAST stellte diese Frage am 26.10.2009 - 16:48

Beiträge 40293
Antwort von matata | 26.10.2009 - 16:53
it face ---> it`s face

of by words ---> or by words
________________________ - Team

Antwort von GAST | 26.10.2009 - 17:14
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