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Englisch Kurzreferat

Frage: Englisch Kurzreferat
(1 Antwort)

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Hey, also ich halte am Montag ein Referat über Japaner in Internierungslager in den USA während des zweiten Weltkrieges und würd gern wissen ob ich nochwas ergänzen soll und ob ich mal kurz drüber gucken könnte was ich noch gewählter ausdrücken könnte :)

The internment of Japanese in the USA
Many people think the perception ‘concentration camp’ was applied first by the German because it was established during world-war-the-second and was encroached by the Nazis.
Actually a concentration camp means a place which’s location is constricted and wherein only one section of population lives (mostly because they were forced to). But in no case they are invented by the German. They were invented in the USA, because the Native American had to be resettled by the European due to the colonization.
In Germany concentration camps were basically constructed for Jews, homosexual, disabled persons and other obnoxious individuals. Beside hard labor, the occupants were also murdered systematically.
Because of the appallingly use of those camps, people often forget that many other states had built concentration camps, too, for particular parts of the population or prisoners of war.
Whenever a government established a concentration camp, this was mostly ascribed to the population’s resentment obverse the detained minority. Thus it happened that in the USA the trust towards the Japanese broke, after the attempt on Pearl Harbor. From this day on the Japanese people were reckoned as enemies and also treated as such. By the increasing suspicion of the population, it wasn’t arduous for the American government to exculpate the formation and later incarceration of the Japanese-born population. Collateral the Japanese were stigmatized by propaganda like movies or the like, to make them look ‚hostile’ or even ‘dangerous’, so that there were no obstacles to arrest them. Later the government wanted the population to believe that the Japanese have been victims of racism and that they were rounded u, because they accumulated the minority beneath the black and white people. Not until 1988, all Japanese – including those which had been detained by the FBI before the attempt on Pearl Harbor – became granted a compensation.
Frage von Teufelcheen (ehem. Mitglied) | am 02.05.2009 - 16:31

Antwort von GAST | 02.05.2009 - 20:43
people think <that the perception ‘concentration camp’ was >first> applied by the German because it was established during <The Second World War> and was encroached by the Nazis.

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