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Referat: Bosch

Alles zu Landeskunde


I want to start my präsentation with one question:
What is Bosch?

That is Bosch (Folie)
Bosch is a GmbH (Gemeinschaft mit beschränkter Haftung). That means it isn`t, like Siemens or Daimler (which are AG), at the purse.

Most of you probobly think:
Bosch what a unusfull company. Does it generally produce anything? Or did they ever invented something usefull?
I only say if there was no Robert Bosch we wouldn't drive cars, scoters and all the other stuff which we drive today. Then Robert Bosch, the founder of the Robert Bosch GmbH, invented the sparking plug.

Let us come to spheres where Bosch is aktiv:
Automotive-technic (biggest spheres 62%)
Household appliances
Security system
So now you know generally what Bosch is and we can look at some important numbers of the year 2004.
Returns: 40 007 000 000 € (Bilion)
The returns are split up under the Robert Bosch foundation, the Robert Bosch family and of course in investigations.
But there is still a rest of 2 578 000 000 €.
Workers: 110 569 (Germany)
131 779 (other countries)
Ok now I want to present you some important datas from the Bosch History.
1861 Robert Bosch is born in Albeck near Ulm
1886 Robert Bosch opend his first workshop
1932 acquistion of the gas company Junkers&Co GmbH
1933 acquistion of Ideal-Werke für drahtlose Telephonie AG (today Blaupunkt GmbH)
1942 Robert Bosch dies in the age of 80
1967 foundation of Bosch-Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH
1999 acquistion of the Japanese Zexel Corporation
2002 acquistion of the Mannesmann Rexroth AG
2002 acquistion of the Communication, Security&Imaging Philips
2003 acquistion of Buderus AG
Das Kurzreferat bietet wissenswerte Zahlen und Fakten zu Robert Bosch GmbH.

(Englisch, ) (276 Wörter)
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