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Englisch Korrektur - Part II

Frage: Englisch Korrektur - Part II
(6 Antworten)

The War of Secession, also known as the American Civil War, was a military conflict which took place between 1861 and 1885 in North America.
The two sides which were mixed up with the conflict were on the one hand the so called ,,Union" (Northstates) and on the other hand the ,,confederation".

With nearly 650.000 victims the War of Secession was one of the most blodiest conflicts of American history.
The South of America lived from the economy based on plantations; especially cotton wool was a coveted resource. In order to fulfill the big demand, the big production could just keep on with the aid of cheap workers, so that the black slaves were used. [Im Norden der Vereinigten Staaten dagegen hielt die Industrie ihren Einzug.]
After Abraham Lincoln was elected to the president of America in 1860, the slaveholderstates knew that the slavery would be abolished. That was the reason why they seperated themseleves into one pact: The Confederate States of America consisting of 11 individual American states. These splitted off states elected Jefferson Davis to their president. Soon after, the War of Secession between the Confederates and the Union began. The most of the fights took place in north american states, like in Tennessee and in Virginia.

Kann jemand mal nachchecken, ob da bisher irgendwelche fehler sind?

thank you^^
GAST stellte diese Frage am 20.01.2009 - 17:02

Antwort von GAST | 20.01.2009 - 23:52
Here we go again. :)

The War of Secession,
also known as the American Civil War, was a military conflict which took place between 1861 and 1885 in North America.
The two sides which were mixed up IN the conflict were on the one hand the soBINDESTRICHcalled ANFÜHRUNGSZEICHEN OBENUnion" (NorthERN States) and on the other hand the ANFÜHRUNGSZEICHEN OBENconfederation".
With nearly 650.000 victims KOMMA the War of Secession was one of the BLOODIEST conflicts IN American history.

"bloodiest" ist schon Superlativ, da ist das "more" über. :)

The South of America lived ON the economy based on plantations; especially cotton wool was aN IN DEMAND resource. In order to fulfil[l] the INCREASED demand, the NICHTS HIER production could just keep UP with the aid of cheap workers, so NICHTS HIER black slaves were used.

Bei "fulfil" musst du dich entscheiden: schreibst du eher British English (dann nur ein L) oder American English (dann zwei L)?

[Im Norden der Vereinigten Staaten dagegen hielt die Industrie ihren Einzug.]

In the Northern States, on the other hand, industry was catching on.

After Abraham Lincoln was elected NICHTS HIER president of America in 1860, the SOUTHERN states THAT WERE STILL HOLDING ON TO SLAVERY knew THE PRACTICE would be abolished. That was the reason why they JOINED A PACT: The Confederate States of America KOMMA consisting of ELEVEN individual American states.

"separating" heißt splitten, du meinst aber zusammengehen. Zahlen bis zwölf schreibt man in Texten immer aus. :)

These RENEGADE [?] states elected Jefferson Davis AS their president. Soon afterWARDS, the War of Secession between the Confederates and the Union began. MOST of the fights took place in northERN A(!)merican states, SUCH AS Tennessee and Virginia.

Mir ist nicht ganz klar, was du meinst, ich glaube du willst bei den 11 Staaten auf "abtrünnig" o.ä. hinaus. "Most" in der Phrase "most of" nie mit "the" davor; "so zum Beispiel" heißt auf Englisch "such as...."; hier nicht "like..." nehmen.

Inhaltlich wie immer alles bestens, wenige Fehler - auch wie immer. :)

Antwort von GAST | 20.01.2009 - 17:12
The people in South of America lived from the economy based on plantations - hier fehlt ein `the people` (oder so was in der art wie du willst ^^) weil das sonst heissen würde, dass das land so gelebt hat.

Soon after that, the War of Secession between the Confederates and the Union began. - und hier noch ein kleiner fehler: that muss dort noch stehen, ohne fehlt einfach was in dem satz. so als würdest du sagen `gleich nach, begann ..`, du brauchst da aber ein gleich nachdem oder so was ^^

was ist mit dem deutschen satz darin?

Antwort von GAST | 20.01.2009 - 17:14
Den konnte ich nicht übersetzen ^^

Antwort von GAST | 20.01.2009 - 17:20
aaah ^^ irgendwie hätt ich da auch selber drauf kommen können ^^

Whereas in the north of die United States industry already found it`s way in. --- so oder so irgendwie, wie es dir am besten gefällt ^^

Antwort von GAST | 20.01.2009 - 23:52
Here we go again. :)

The War of Secession,
also known as the American Civil War, was a military conflict which took place between 1861 and 1885 in North America.
The two sides which were mixed up IN the conflict were on the one hand the soBINDESTRICHcalled ANFÜHRUNGSZEICHEN OBENUnion" (NorthERN States) and on the other hand the ANFÜHRUNGSZEICHEN OBENconfederation".
With nearly 650.000 victims KOMMA the War of Secession was one of the BLOODIEST conflicts IN American history.

"bloodiest" ist schon Superlativ, da ist das "more" über. :)

The South of America lived ON the economy based on plantations; especially cotton wool was aN IN DEMAND resource. In order to fulfil[l] the INCREASED demand, the NICHTS HIER production could just keep UP with the aid of cheap workers, so NICHTS HIER black slaves were used.

Bei "fulfil" musst du dich entscheiden: schreibst du eher British English (dann nur ein L) oder American English (dann zwei L)?

[Im Norden der Vereinigten Staaten dagegen hielt die Industrie ihren Einzug.]

In the Northern States, on the other hand, industry was catching on.

After Abraham Lincoln was elected NICHTS HIER president of America in 1860, the SOUTHERN states THAT WERE STILL HOLDING ON TO SLAVERY knew THE PRACTICE would be abolished. That was the reason why they JOINED A PACT: The Confederate States of America KOMMA consisting of ELEVEN individual American states.

"separating" heißt splitten, du meinst aber zusammengehen. Zahlen bis zwölf schreibt man in Texten immer aus. :)

These RENEGADE [?] states elected Jefferson Davis AS their president. Soon afterWARDS, the War of Secession between the Confederates and the Union began. MOST of the fights took place in northERN A(!)merican states, SUCH AS Tennessee and Virginia.

Mir ist nicht ganz klar, was du meinst, ich glaube du willst bei den 11 Staaten auf "abtrünnig" o.ä. hinaus. "Most" in der Phrase "most of" nie mit "the" davor; "so zum Beispiel" heißt auf Englisch "such as...."; hier nicht "like..." nehmen.

Inhaltlich wie immer alles bestens, wenige Fehler - auch wie immer. :)

Antwort von GAST | 21.01.2009 - 20:46
Thank you very much!
Du hilfst mir wirklich sehr im Englisch LK :D

Antwort von GAST | 22.01.2009 - 17:13
Firstly, it looked like that the armees of the CSA would have the upper hand. But with the "Battle of Gettysburg", which happened in 1863, the situation changed. The Union won the war and the CSA broke down. The War of Secession did not really meant a deliverance for the slaves: They then worked as day-laborers on the land of their ancient bosses.
ist das richtig? kannst du mal kurz nachchecken? Dankeee ^^

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