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"The Phantom Coach" Korrektur der Inhaltsangabe :S nd help

Frage: "The Phantom Coach" Korrektur der Inhaltsangabe :S nd help
(6 Antworten)

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ich soll so ein buch durch lesen GOTHIC SHORT STORIES.
es beinhaltet 4 geschichten und zu jeder soll ich eine inhaltsangabe machen ( zu der ersten habe ich schon eine dank gemmson :D ).
Jetzt die 2.

Second story :

„The Phantom Coach“
This story was written by Amelia B.

The story was puplished in England in the year 1864.

In the beginning of this story a man tells his tremendousness, dreadful and shoking event wich is happen twenty years ago. This story is a old story wich happen in the year 1844 one night in December.


James Murry which is married goes for hunting . On this day he dont have any luck and later after sunset he lose his way. He cant see any signs of habitation, no fences and no cultivated land. IJames begun to run and shout for help. After no answer he became fear and stoped. He see a speck of light and run to this light. Tha was aold man who carrying a latern. James goes with the old man to his masters villa. The old man was a butler names Jacob. The master looked amazed as he see James. The master granted James that he can stay here until dont snowing. James see many books about ghost,spirits and specteres, bottle of chemical things and other geological objekts.
The snowing stoped and James go to take a coach wich was only five miles away from here, Jacob ( the old man ) guide him there.

At the way Jacob told James about a accident with a coach and show him the place were is taken nine years ago. Jacob goes home and James goes the left miles alone. After he find a coach and go inside he see three passengers. After few minutes James start a conversation. But no one answerd of his comments. All passengers look at him, they look like died humans with red eys. James became fear and look around in the coach all things was meldew and very old. The coach fall in a precipice.

After he wakes up he see that he was in his room and a doctor was by him and his wife.
Mrs. Murry say that a doctor found James in a precipice and that James only survived death by landing in deep snow.

Neeedd Helppp

mfg rezzaa16
Frage von Rezzaa16 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 04.01.2009 - 12:47

Antwort von GAST | 04.01.2009 - 13:24
also ertsma heisst es at the beginning und dann versteh ich nicht was du mit dem satz sagen willst:"a man tells his tremendousness, dreadful and shoking event wich is happen twenty years ago"-> ein man erzählt seiner ungeheuerlichkeit,schrecklich und schockierendes event welches passiert vor 20 jahren" so würd ich das auf deustch übersstzen.. zunächsteinmal heisst es " ... event which has happened 20 years ago" und ja.. den rest des satzes müssztes dubitte nochma auf deutsch hinschreiben.

und dann würd ich statt dem("This story is a old story wich happen in the year 1844 one night in December.")sagen: "this story is an old one and was set in 1844 on a snowy december night" snowy weil das später im summary vorkommt und man sonst nicht wüsste dass es schneit.

so das summary:
“James Murry which is married goes for hunting”. On this day he doesn’t have any luck and later after sunset he gets lost. He can’t see any signs of habitation, no fences and no cultivated land. James begins to run and shouts for help. After no reply he gets scared and stops. He sees a spot of light and runs towards it. There he finds an old man carrying a lantern. James follows the old man to his master’s villa. As it turns out later the old man is a butler named Jacob. When the master appears he stares amazed at James. The master grants James that he can stay here until it stops snowing. Inside the villa James sees many books about ghost, spirits and spectres, bottle of chemical things and other geological objects.
As the snowing stops, James leaves to take a coach which was only five miles away from here, Jacob ( the old man )leads him there.

On their way Jacob tells James about an accident with a coach and shows him the place where it took place nine years ago. Jacob leaves James there to walk the left few miles alone and turns around to go home. Short time later he gets into the next coach and as he enters he sees three other passengers. After a few minutes James starts a conversation. But none of the others answers him. All passengers are looking at him and he recognises them to be dead people with red eyes. James gets scared and takes a look around in the coach; all things are covered with mildew and are very old. Then the coach falls in a precipice.

After he woke up he realizes that he is in his room with a doctor and his wife standing next to him. Mrs. Murry declares that a doctor found James in a precipice and that James is the only survivor because he landed in the snow.
den ertsen satzt würd ich nochmal überdenken. bitteschön:)

Antwort von GAST | 04.01.2009 - 13:43
Keine Korrektur von mir diesmal, sondern nur ein Hinweis.

Das ist wieder eine Nacherzählung, keine Inhaltsangabe. Viel zu viele Details, das liest sich "spannend" (und das soll es nicht). Außerdem musst du in einer Inhaltsangabe gleich in der Einleitung das ERGEBNIS bzw. das ENDE der Handlung dabei haben. "dreadful and shocking" sind Adjektive, die in Inhaltsangaben nichts zu suchen haben. Du sollst neutral zusammenfassen was passiert, nicht spannend nacherzählen.

Sorry für`s Meckern. ;)

Da müsste dann also in der Einleitung etwas davon auftauchen, dass James Murry der einzige Überlebende eines Unfalls ist, z.B.

Antwort von GAST | 04.01.2009 - 13:51
achja und eine inhaltsangabe schreibt man immer im präsens, nur so;)

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Antwort von Rezzaa16 (ehem. Mitglied) | 04.01.2009 - 14:30
ich danke heu beiden sehr un hab das mal versucht "unspannend" zu machen kürzer.
Und mit der ersten satz will ich sagen das ein man sozusagen sein unvergesselichen und grauenvollen ereigniss erzählt so in etwa.

Korregierte Inhaltsangabe :S

„The Phantom Coach“
This story was written by Amelia B. Edwards

The story was puplished in England in the year 1864.

At the beginning of this story a man tells his dreadful and shoking event wich is happen twenty years ago. This story is a old story wich happen in the year 1844 on a snowy night in December.


James Murry which is married goes for hunting . On this day he doesnt have any luck and later after sunset he get lost. There were no signs of habitation, no fences and no cultivated land. James found a old butler. He goes with the old man to his masters villa. James was alowed to stay there until it stoped snowing. The house was many books about ghost,spirits and specteres, bottle of chemical things and other geological objekts.
James leaves to take a coach wich was only five miles away from here, Jacob ( the old man ) leads him there.

At the way Jacob told James about a accident with a coach and show him the place were is taken nine years ago. Jacob goes home and James goes the left miles alone. Short time later he find the coach and enter them.Three passengers was in. All passengers looking at him, they look like died humans with red eys. The coach was covered with meldew and are very old. Then coach fall in a precipice, James wakes up in his room and a doctor an his wife was there. James only survived deaht by landing in deep snow.

Und ich dank euch für eure hilfe tausendmallll :D

mfg rezzaa16

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Antwort von Rezzaa16 (ehem. Mitglied) | 04.01.2009 - 14:43
James Murry which is married goes for hunting and on this day some dreadful things takem him.
Vlt sooo ?

ende:james only survived deaht by landing in deep snow and he was the only person which the doctor found. No coach and no the other

das ende ist wieder zu spannend oder ?

ist das so gut gemmsom ?

Antwort von GAST | 04.01.2009 - 20:00
jetzt jab ich dir das schon alles korrigiert und dann schreibst du das neue summary schon wieder so! guck dir dochmal an was ich berichtigt habe;)

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