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"The Monkeys Paw" Hilfe bei Korrektur der Inhaltsangabe ...

Frage: "The Monkeys Paw" Hilfe bei Korrektur der Inhaltsangabe ...
(5 Antworten)

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ich muss mir das Buch Gothic Short Stories durchlesen
und über jede einzelne geschichte eine inhaltsangabe machen und schreiben was an der Geschihcte gut war und schlecht.
Ich bitte euch mal meine Text durch zu lesen um zu korregieren vlt. könnt ihr mir auch hilfriche tips geben falls ihr die geschihcte auch gelsen habt :D

danke im Voorrraus

Frage von Rezzaa16 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 03.01.2009 - 02:06

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Antwort von Rezzaa16 (ehem. Mitglied) | 03.01.2009 - 02:08
sry hab vergessen mein text rein zu kopieren :S

The Monkeys Paw written by W.W. Jacobs
is a horror short story. It was published in Englang in the Year 1902.


In this horror short story „The Monkeys Paw“ is a Paw of a dead monkey a talisman that granted the prossessor three wishes,
but the wishes have a enormous price . . .

On night Major Morris a old friend of Mr. White visit Mr. White and his family in there Villa.
Mr. White have one son names Herbert, he is circa twenty years old and he have a wife.
On this night Major Morris tell his stories about his courageous adventure and his experiences of wars, plagues and strange nations after three glasses wisky. After this he spoke about a paw of a monkey wich is a talisman with a special spell from a Indian fakir. This paw granted three seperate men three wishes. The one man wish his three wishes and the third wish was his death. After that Major Morris took this paw and he wish his three wishes. Suddenly he threw the paw in the fire and Mr. White pulled it out quickly. The Major goes and warned the Whites.

On this night Mr. White wish to have twohoundred pfounds, he became happy when he have this money for finish the paying of his house. He began to wish and suddenly the paw began to twisted.
He became a shok and shout. Herbert and Mrs. White go to him and solace him. Next day a colleague of Herbert comes to Mr. Whites Villa and say Herbert is died and the firma who he work give you twohoundred pounds for compensation. Mr. White became a shok. Now he knows that the wish complete and the price of this wish was his son. After one week the old man wake up suddenly in the night and hear some cries his wife crie and want to wish with the monkeys paw his son back. Mr. White think his wife is gone to be crazy because she laugh and cry currently. He think Herbert willl be look like a zombie when he alive after ten days but anyhow he wish that Herbert alive again. Nothing happen. Later both wake up the hear knocks at the door Mrs. White run to the door and want to open the door she think Herbert is coming. Mr. White catcht his wife and warn she to dont open the door but she freed his self and run to the door Mr. White take paw and wish to undo the second wish.

Good story or bad story ?

For me this horror short story was horrobile and exiting currently.
The kind of writing and the words was for me comprehensible.
I understood most of the words and sentences.
I recommend this story only for reader who dont scared of horror strories and who likes suspense in stories. In the whole I`am satisfied with this story .

Antwort von GAST | 03.01.2009 - 19:42
Okay, ich versuch`s mal. Du hast viele "Germanism" drin, also Satzteile, die du dir auf Deutsch überlegt hast und dann eins-zu-eins ins Englische übersetzt hast, auch wenn es das Wort/die Struktur im Englischen nicht gibt. Deine Zusammenfassung liest sich irgendwie auch mehr wie eine Nacherzählung der Geschichte, du baust Spannung auf gleich in der Einleitung wenn du schreibst "aber er muss einen furchtbaren Preis für diese Wünsche bezahlen...." und der Leser denkt: WOW! Was kommt denn jetzt? Das willst du ja gerade vermeiden in einer Inhaltsangabe. Auch solche ausdrücke wie "one night" gehören in eine Nacherzählung, nicht in eine Inhaltsangabe. Du solltest da am besten einiges nochmal umschreiben, ich kann jetzt nur korrigieren was da ist. Das würde ich so als Inhaltsangabe aber nicht abgeben.

Monkeys Paw? Da fehlt, glaube ich, irgendwo ein Apostroph. Ist es: "The Monkey`s Paw"? Leider kann man Änderungen hier nicht gut sichtbar machen, ich hoffe du "findest" trotzdem alles. :)

Übrigens: HE, SHE, IT - "S" MUSS MIT!

The Monkey`s Paw, written by W.W. Jacobs, is a horror short story that was published in EnglanD in 1902.


In thE horror short story „The Monkey`s Paw“, a dead monkey`s paw is used as a talisman. It grants its possessor three wishes, but every wish is paid for by a personal tragedy.

The White family is visited by their old friend Major Morris. After having drinks, their guest tells Mr and Mrs White and their son, Herbert, about his adventures in foreign countries. One of these stories features a dead monkey`s paw that was turned into a talisman by an Indian fakir`s spell. The paw now grants its possessor three wishes. Major Morris takes the paw out and makes three wishes, throwing the paw into the fire right afterwards. To save it, Mr White pulls it out. When the Major leaves, he warns the Whites ... (was? to not use the paw?)

Mr White does not listen to the Major and makes a wish. After wishing for two hundred pounds to pay off his house, the paw starts twitching, but nothing else happens. This shocks Mr White, and he calls for his son and wife to solace him. The next day, one of his son`s colleagues arrives at their door to tell the Whites that their son Herbert died in an accident and his company would pay them two hundred pounds as compensation.

Mr White realises that his son`s death is the price he paid for his wish the night before.


Ich sehe gerade, das hat keinen Sinn weiter zu korrigieren. Kannst du das nochmal als "richtige" Inhaltsangabe schreiben? Sorry. :)

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Antwort von Rezzaa16 (ehem. Mitglied) | 03.01.2009 - 21:09
gemmson ich danke dir viel mals für die hilfe :D.
Mannnn kannst du gut englisch.
ich versuch mal den rest so zu machen wie du es mir gesagt hast :).


....Mr White realises that his son`s death is the price he paid for his wish the night before.
After having buried their son in a huge new cemetery two miels away the old couple came back to a house full of shadow and silence.
Nobody talk about the event until one night Mrs. White want to wish the second wisch that his son be alive again.

ich schreib dir das mal aud deuscth weil ich kann das gut auf deuscth fassenn.
Mrs. White wacht an einem mitternacht auf und weint um ihren son
und kommt auf die idee herbert wieder zum lebe zu erwecken.
dabei weint sie und lacht sie zugleich sodass Mr. White denkt sie sei verückt geworden. Mr. White hält die idee nciht schlecht aber er denkt fals herbert wieder kommt das er schrecklich aussiehen würde
weil er schon 10 tage im grab liegt. das versucht er ihr klar zu amchen. Letz endlich macht er das plöotzlich klopft jmd. an die tür
Sie will zur tür doch bevor sie ankommt wünscht die Mr. White das der 2 wunsch rückgängug gemacht wird

Vlt kannst du das kürzer fassen.
Ich danke dieee tausendmall für deine hilfe.


Antwort von GAST | 03.01.2009 - 22:37
....Mr White realises that his son`s death is the price he paid for his wish the night before. Overwhelmed with mourning, Mrs White decides to use the paw to wish for their son to come back to live.

Her husband is mortified by the idea of his son coming back to live after having been buried for ten days, but is unable to stop her. The couple hear a knock on their front door and Mrs White moves to open it. Before she gets there, though, Mr White uses his third wish to make the second wish come undone.

Das meinte ich mit Nacherzählung: wo der Friedhof ist, dass er neu ist, dass sie danach nach Hause zurück kommen, dass das Haus dunkel ist, dass sie nicht darüber sprechen..... das sind alle Details, die nicht wichtig sind für die Handlung. So ein Wort wie "plötzlich", das kann man sich als Faustregel mal merken, darf in einer Inhaltsangabe nicht vorkommen. :)

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Antwort von Rezzaa16 (ehem. Mitglied) | 03.01.2009 - 22:41
du bist der beste
ich danke dir viel malssss

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