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Tagebucheintrag - Diary Entry

Frage: Tagebucheintrag - Diary Entry
(9 Antworten)

Beiträge 3320
Könnte einer mal drüber gucken, und gegebenfalls korriegieren?


Diary – Entry

Dear diary,
imagine, yesterday I kissed a woman for the first time.
Rather, yesterday I married. But before I explain you the state of the kiss, I must tell you how my wedding was.

I was really scared. I hadn’t even communicated with the elected girl and she hadn’t even presented a glance in the last weeks. And then yesterday it was so far. Finally I should marry now this woman that I do not even really knew because our parents arranged the marriage. I wanted to run away. I had panic, but my body defended itself against, so I accept the wedding. It was a traditional ceremony the seven circles and henna. Viewed objectively, it was a beautiful wedding.

After the ceremony we went to our room. I didn’t know what I should say because we don’t even know each other. I was an embarrassing moment. I asked her to show her eyes. And when she opened up her eyes I searched for so long behind her veil, I felt nothing. I felt nothing familiar, but also not repulsive. It was funny. With such feelings to her, should I live a life long? I only have the hope that I will love her sometime.

But once my new wife said a sentence: "I won’t cook non-vegetarian food for you." I think that was the sentence she said. I had expected everything, but no this. I was dumbfounded, because what should I eat the rest of my life – vegetarian food, Salad? She even wanted to teach, how to cook meat, so of course I will do. Hard to believe huh?

Of all the talk about cooking, we finally get hungry and lurked in the kitchen. We had to creep because many of the guests slept in the floor. In the kitchen, we ate chicken. It`s funny, because one the one side she doesn’t want cooking non-vegetarian, but on the other said she eats meat. I still haven’t understood the difference.

While we ate there, I noticed the urge to kiss it. You know dear diary, I`ve never kissed a girl. My first attempt to kiss her failed, because she didn’t want to kiss in front of the whole people, although they slept. But I had to kiss her. That`s why I held it firmly on the head, so our lips could touch. But it was not so special, as I thought. It simply lacks the emotions. I really hope that someday I can love.

Wish me luck.
Frage von shiZZle | am 14.12.2008 - 15:55

Antwort von GAST | 14.12.2008 - 16:02
"Finally I should marry now this woman that I do not even really knew because our parents arranged the marriage."
-> Finally I have to marry this woman now,
that I do not even really know [...]

bzw eher "I had to marry this woman" (ohne now), weil du ja sonst auch die ganze Zeit in Vergangenheit schreibst

"I didn’t know what I should say because we don’t even know each other."
[...] because we didn`t even know
"I was an embarrassing moment."
It, nicht I
I had expected everything, but no this.

noT this
"Of all the talk about cooking, we finally get hungry and lurked"

through all that talking about food we finally got hungry

Antwort von GAST | 14.12.2008 - 16:06
"Finally I should marry now this woman that I do not even really knew because our parents arranged the marriage. I wanted to run away. I had panic, but my body defended itself against, so I accept the wedding."

also nochmal ganz richtig ^^:

Finally I had to marry this woman now, that I didn`t even got to know, just because our parents had arranged te marriage. I wanted to run away I was panicing, but my body didn`t move. so I accepted the wedding.

& der Satz davor "I hadn’t even communicated with the elected girl and she hadn’t even presented a glance in the last weeks."

besser klingt: I hadn`t even talked to her and she hadn`t even presented [...]

Beiträge 3320
Antwort von shiZZle | 14.12.2008 - 16:10
okay dankeee ^^ hilft mir viel.

Beiträge 3320
Antwort von shiZZle | 14.12.2008 - 16:12
I was panicing

Das wort gibts nicht.

Antwort von GAST | 14.12.2008 - 16:14
doch gibt es ;) natürlich findest dus nicht in nem Wörterbuch, ist ja auch nicht der infinitiv ... aber die Form gibt es

der letzte Absatz:
"While we ate there, I noticed the urge to kiss it. You know dear diary, I`ve never kissed a girl. My first attempt to kiss her failed, because she didn’t want to kiss in front of the whole people, although they slept. But I had to kiss her. That`s why I held it firmly on the head, so our lips could touch. But it was not so special, as I thought. It simply lacks the emotions. I really hope that someday I can love."

beschreibst du sie? dann solltest du nicht die ganze zeit "it" schreiben, sondern "her"

While we ate there, I noticed the urge to kiss her. You know dear diary, I`ve never kissed a girl. My first attempt to kiss her failed, because she didn’t want to kiss in front of all the people, although they were asleep. But I had to kiss her. That`s why I held her firmly on the head, so our lips could touch. But it was not as special, as I thought. It simply lacked the emotions. I really hope that someday I can feel love.

so wärs besser

Antwort von GAST | 14.12.2008 - 16:15
okay, man schreibt es "panicking" nicht panicing ;), hatte das k vergessen

Beiträge 3320
Antwort von shiZZle | 14.12.2008 - 16:20
okay vielen dank


It simply lacked the emotions

aber es fehlen doch noch immer die gefühle. Also es ist ja nur einen tag her. muss man dann nicht lieber "lacks" schreiben?

Antwort von GAST | 14.12.2008 - 18:56
nein... ist ja nichtsdestotrotz vergangenheit

Antwort von GAST | 14.12.2008 - 18:58
und eigentlich heißt es auch it simplay lacked of emotions -> to lack of = es mangelt an ;)
ich benutz das wort so gut wie nie ^^

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