Englisch Referat
Frage: Englisch Referat(5 Antworten)
Hi @ Englisch Spezialisten! Wer kann mir wohl bitte gerade meine Fehler in meinem Referat verbessern? -today I want to give you a short presentation about the „Amish people“ - the “Amish people” are a group of people who live in America and they live like the people 200 years ago -> because they defeat the progress in any sense and prefer a simple life that means: -they don’t have modern machines (so they don’t allow cars or television for example) -they create the power on their own -they drive in coaches which are pulled by horses - when a person or some people of their group want to introduce new technical innovations, the community sits together and they discuss if the innovation is helpful and makes sense -the “Amish” put great emphasis on traditional values, like family, community, religion and even seclusion from the outside world (that means they try to avoid any contact to the normal society) -their ancestors came from Switzerland and South Germany because in 1693 the “Amish” had to withdraw from Europe because they were followed due to their belief so they escaped to Pennsylvania (to the north of America) the leader of the group was called Jakob Amman ; and that is why they are called the “Amish” -the “Amish” are very religious and believe in the bible and in god they have got stringent regulations (the people who don’t conform to the regulations are dismissed from the community) -in the past the “Amish” lived on agriculture but today there are also craftsmen in many departments very typical for the “Amish” is their outward appearance: -all men have got a full beard -and all of the women have got a headdress, (so that one cannot see see their hair -a normal Amish family has got 7 to 10 children the children go to private schools there they only learn reading, writing and mathematics, (because the “Amish” think that all other subjects are bad and not necessary for their children) so science isn’t taught at the schools there -the “Amish” live in 26 states of the USA and most of them live in Ohio and Pennsylvania -at the moment there are still 250.000 Amish people (a quarter of a million) -but because of the great number of children, every 20 years the number of Amish people reduplicated (that means becomes twice as many) |
GAST stellte diese Frage am 20.04.2008 - 14:57 |
Antwort von GAST | 20.04.2008 - 15:04 |
the “Amish people” are a group of people who live in America and they live like the people 3mal people in einem einzigen satz ! ! ! ich trau mich gar ned weiterlesen |
Antwort von GAST | 20.04.2008 - 15:05 |
Hast du das Referat schon gehalten und weißt, dass da Fehler drin sind, weil dein Lehrer das gesagt hat? oder willst du nur sicher gehen, bevor du es hälst? ich bin vllt nich die Englisch-Spezialistin schlecht hin, aber das was ich gelesen hab hört sich glaub ich alles ganz ok an^^ du kannst ja vllt noch n Trailer von dem Film "The Villiage" dazu tun. das käme bestimmt gut! LG |
Antwort von GAST | 20.04.2008 - 15:08 |
(so they don’t allow cars or television for example) they aren`t allowed to have cars or television wenn du sagen willst dass die das nicht haben dürfen (so that one cannot see see their hair so that no one can see their hair hab nur schnell drüber geschaut aber ansonsten hört es sich ganz gut an^^ |
Antwort von GAST | 20.04.2008 - 15:13 |
gut danke schonmal! :) nee das muss ich noch halten, aber es soll auch nur ganz kurz sein(2-3 Minuten) ohne mediale Unterstützung! |
Antwort von GAST | 20.04.2008 - 23:13 |
und sonst alles ok? ;) |
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