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Referat: Der Gold Rush in Kalifornien

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Gold Rush

- previous to the G. R. settlers very slowly filtered into C.
- 1848 gold was discovered at Sutter’s Mill
suddenly, people from all over the world, but most from California, came to the Golden State
- Gold Rush was devastating to Native Americans in this area vernichtend
-> so nearly all Cal. tribes were scattered or destroyed
- and also many natural resources were depleted erschöpft
Sacramento- the capital of California

Statistics & Facts:
- population: 396.500
- land area amounts: 250
- amount of surface water area: 5.585
- distance Sacramento-Washington DC is 4.033 km
- S. is positioned38degrees north of the equator,121 degrees west of the prime meridian
- S. elevation is 7.5 m above sea level

- state capital since 1854
- first called “ New Helvetia”, was founded by John Sutter
- when gold was discovered, many workers left the town to hunt gold
- once the gold fever was gone
-> S. became a centre for trade in a greatly productive agricultural area

"Gold Rush" in Kalifornien (174 Wörter)
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