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Frage: Hollywood
(5 Antworten)

ich soll nen vortrag über holllywood machen, und hab auch schon etwas vorbereitet, doch da ich nicht so ein englischkönner bin, bitte ich euch mal den text durchzulesen und zu sagen was falsch ist!
Danke schonmal im vorraus

Hollywood is a part of Los Angeles in the US-state Carlifornia.
It belongs to Los Angeles since 1910.
LA is the most important metropolis in the west of the United States of America.
Hollywood is the center of the cinema and film industry.
Today, the item ,,Hollywood`` is used as a synonym of this film industry.
Hollywood was found at the end of the 80th in the 19 century.
The first filmstudio was built in 1911.
(Centaur Film Co)
A lot of other followed in the next years.
Although some studios are outside of the quarter, the american film industry his main seat in Hollywood.
In The Hollywood Hills about the city is the Hollywood Sign.
The famous Hollywood Sign were built in 1923.
History of Hollywood
The first public presentation of a film in America was in New York in 1896.
At the beginning of the 20th century little houses of shows were created in USA.
1915-1920 many new filmstudios were created, for example: Universal Pictures, Warner Brothers.
The filmpruduction were soon the dominated worldmarket.
Horrorfilms were the highlight at the beginning of the 30th jears.(Dracula, Frankenstein, Kink Kong)
In he 70th there were built very famous movies.( Star wars, Police Academy)

Two of the most successful film makers:

James Cameron: “Titanic” is the most successful film with 11 Oscars, also famous “The Blair Witch Project" and “Jurassic Park”
Roland Emmerich:„Stargate“, „Independence Day“, „Godzilla”, ,,The Patriot“
GAST stellte diese Frage am 15.11.2006 - 16:31

Antwort von GAST | 15.11.2006 - 16:45
kommt schon....helft mal bitte bischen :-) *push*

Antwort von GAST | 15.11.2006 - 16:51
habe nicht alles gelesen, aber der film " Jurassice Park " kommt von Steven Spielberg und NICHT James Cameron ...

Antwort von GAST | 15.11.2006 - 16:54
fang am anfang nich immer wieder mit "hollywood is..." "hollywood was..." an! das hört sich nicht gut an! bring nen bissel abwechslung von der satzkonstruktion rein!

Antwort von GAST | 15.11.2006 - 16:55
oh ja danke,...hab vvergessen den namen noch dahinter zu schreiben

Antwort von GAST | 16.11.2006 - 17:45
ich würde den 2. satz weglassen, weil das beschreibt ja dann LA
also den hier:LA is the most important metropolis in the west of the United States of America.

Viel Erfolg

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