Referat: The film industry in the US
The film-industry in the US
Film industry:
featured movies / filmed television productions / music videos / commercials / theatres / videos at film festivals
1891 Thomas Edison patents the Kinetoscopic camera
after 1913 filmmakers gravitated to southern California
1920s end of the silent film era
1920-40 “Golden Age of Hollywood” many movies: western, slapstic comedy, musicals
end because of spread of televions
federal antitrust action: separate film production from film exibition
1960-70 major change in filmmaking new techniques color
Facts today
The U.S. motion picture industry produces much of the world’s feature films and many of its television programs
about 360,000 wage and salary jobs in the motion picture and video industries
in the income of the movie studios' can see the importance of the new medias:
26% movie ticket sales
46% VHS and DVD sales
28% television
There are 2 main types of movies
box-office movies (big-budget films) studios earn money
independent film unknown directors can show their talent
Major movie studios all loacated in the Los Angeles areaoperate and distribute their products in the whole world
Warner Bros. Time Warner
MGM (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer) Sony
Walt Disney Pictures Disney
20th Century Fox News Corporation
DreamWorks NBC Universal
Paramount Pictures Viacom
Universal Studios NBC Universalhave the equipment almost every independent film production cooperate with one of these studios
Still dominated by film industry home of many director, producers and actors
Famous for Walk of Fame, Hollywood Sign
Academy Awards, commonly known as The Oscarsan award given every year to different categories of the film industry
Today the income of the motion picture industry is in decline.
New inventions like the internet or the DVD-writer make film piracy possible.This cause an big damage of income to the film studios
The film-industry in the US
1891 Thomas Edison patents the Kinetoscopic camera
after 1913 filmmakers gravitated to southern California
1920s end of the silent film era
1920-40 “Golden Age of Hollywood”
1960-70 major change in filmmaking
1980-90 Rise of the home video market
The U.S. motion picture industry produces much of the world’s feature films and manyof its television programs
about 360,000 wage and salary jobs in the motion picture and video industries
movie studios' worldwide income :
26% movie ticket sales
46% VHS and DVD sales
28% television
box-office movies (big-budget films)
independent film
Major movie studios
Warner Bros. - Time Warner
MGM (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer) - Sony
Walt Disney Pictures - Disney
20th Century Fox - News Corporation
DreamWorks - NBC Universal
Paramount Pictures - Viacom
Universal Studios - NBC Universal
Historical center of movie studios
Still dominated by film industry
Walk of Fame, Hollywood Sign
Academy Awards,commonly known as The Oscars
Klett, Words in Context
Referat über die amerikanische Filmindustrie, Geschichte, Allgemeines
(Englisch, , viele Abbildungen) (476 Wörter)
(Englisch, , viele Abbildungen) (476 Wörter)
von unbekannt
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429 Diskussionen zum Thema im Forum
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- Winston Groom: Forrest Gump (7 Antworten)
- Facharbeit über Billy Elliot (0 Antworten)
- East is East (9 Antworten)
- Eurokom Hollywood (0 Antworten)
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Wenn du dieses Dokument verwendest, zitiere es bitte als: "The film industry in the US",, Abgerufen 05.01.2025 08:05 Uhr
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Es handelt sich hier um einen fremden, nutzergenerierten Inhalt für den keine Haftung übernommen wird.
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