korrektur englisch text (triangular trade)
Frage: korrektur englisch text (triangular trade)(2 Antworten)
Triangular trade: Fortunately slavery almost has been banned in our time. So a commerce developed from Europe, West Africa and the Caribbean in the triangle. In october the European great powers equipped ships, loaded with textiles, rum and manufactured goods. The ships sailed to the West Africain coasts where the goods were exchanged for slaves. The slaves were bought at slave markets from local traders. Afterwards at the beginning of december the ships which were loaded with slaves sailed to America where they were sold at the highest possible prices. Then the ships were loaded again but this time with the popular goods from the Caribbean and America like for example: tea, coffee, sugar, cotton, tabacco, spices and so on. From april the ships sailed again back to Europe to sell there the goods on the european market. |
Frage von Lena127 | am 23.02.2015 - 22:31 |
Antwort von bennymhf | 24.02.2015 - 17:46 |
Triangular trade: Fortunately slavery is banned in our society in the current time. However, So a commerce developed from Europe, West Africa and the Caribbean in the triangle. In october the European great powers equipped ships, loaded with textiles, rum and manufactured goods. The ships sailed to the West Africain coasts, where the goods were exchanged for slaves. The slaves were brought at slave markets from local traders. Afterwards at the beginning of december the ships which were loaded with slaves sailed to America where they were sold for as high prices as possible. Then the ships were loaded again but now with the popular goods from the Caribbean and America like for example: tea, coffee, sugar, cotton, tabacco, spices and so on. From april the ships sailed again back to Europe to sell there the goods on the european markets. |
Antwort von Lena127 | 24.02.2015 - 18:13 |
Dankeschön :-) ! |
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