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Alaska is the biggest state of America. There are three different kinds of native people inAlaska. The Aleuts, the Inuits and the Indians.Most of the native people live in small towns along the coast and the biggest rivers. Nevertheless² in big citys are native people, too. In Alaska 15,7 %, in Anchorage 6,6 % and in Fairbanks 16,9%. From 10th May till the 2nd August the sun shines night and day, and in Barrow ( a city in Alaska ) is no dailight for 67 days, from 18th November till the 24th January. The flag was designed by Benny Benson, a Aleut student, in 1926.It has eight gold stars- the great bear and the North star on a field of blue.
The blue field is as a symbol for the Alaska sky the north star is for Alaska, the most northern place in America and the great bear is the symbol for the strenght of the native people.

Kurze englische Zusammenfassung über Alaska, der größten amerikanischen Staat (159 Wörter)
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