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Characterisation of Mme Zeroni

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Mme Zeroni

Mme Zeroni is an about 60 years old Egyptian gypsy with dark skin and has got a wide mouth. Furthermore she has only got one leg, the left one. She now lives in Latvia and has got a son who emigrated to the USA. She also is the great-great-great-grandmother of Hector Zeroni alias Zero and she is the first person who is in contact with the Yelnats family and directly influences Elya.
When she looks at you, her eyes seem to expend and you feel as if she is looking right through you and she is good in understanding. She is mystic, intelligent, she already had seen, that Myra is not the right wife for Elya, and has strange ideas, like carrying the pig up the mountain, and stories which she always tells Elya.
She has got something like a better judgement and believes in curses and the magic of songs.

Dies ist eine englische Charakterisierung von Mme Zeroni. Sie ist eine Person in dem Buch "Holes" von Louis Sachar.
(Englisch, ) (153 Wörter)
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