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The Terrapin: Characterisation Victor

Frage: The Terrapin: Characterisation Victor
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hi :)  Ich habe noch nie vorher eine characterisation geschrieben und wollte fragen ob ich diese hier richtig geschrieben habe:
Characterisation Victor
In the short story “The Terrapin” written by Patricia Highsmith the main character, Victor, has to deal with the difficult relationship he has with his mother.  Victor is a teenage boy with French, Hungarian and polish ancestors, his family consists of him and his mother.
His father is wealthy business man living in France but Victor has no interest in him, because his father never writes him. Victors outer appearance reflects what his mother wants him to be, forever a child: he always wears to small short shorts which he hates, long stockings and shirts with round collars (l. 13-15 and 53-54). He feels embarrassed wearing his grey woollen because it is longer than his shorts so it looks like he had nothing underneath. The only garment he likes is his pair of heavy scuffed shoes that actually fit him (l. 275-277). Contrary to his appearance is his language, he uses words like fellow (l. 300) which indicate more grown up language and he understands when his mother speaks french to him (l. 177-179). He also likes to read psychology books which speaks for him being mentally older than his mother wants him to be (l. 155). His relationship with his mother is very difficult, Victor blames his mother for having no friends and taking the only friend he had, the terrapin, away by killing it.  Victors mother often says to him that he is “Psychologically seek”(l.104) but she also tells him that she loves him because of that. He hates his mother (l. 357) but is not afraid of her even when she slaps him (l. 145). Victor is a very emotional person and cries often but hides his emotions(l. 120-121) because he doesn’t want his mother to see him cry and give her another reason to see him as a little boy. Overall Victor is a complex and contrary character and with the act of killing his mother in the end of the short story it is very likely that he is indeed mentally sick.
Danke schonmal im vorraus :)
Frage von Citalali | am 14.09.2014 - 20:25

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