Homeschooling - Pro/Contra
Home schooling
Home schooling is another way of school so your parents or other people teach you.
Mostly the lessons begin every day in the morning and last 30-45 minutes. But the school haven't ended in the afternoon. Then the practical section start. In this time they visit museums, make experiments (e.g. in science) or view buildings or places (e.g. castle). Also the kids work in the garden, make musik or do other useful things.
It seems that you can wake up when you want and also begin to learn when you want but that's restricted. The families can be more flexible with schedules and holidays.
Bullying is in lots of schools still a problem. So you don't meet other pupil and they couldn't bully you. On the one hand the family can spend more time together, on the other hand children can't spend a lot of time with other children. Nobody can be shure you will get an good education at home. I think school is sometimes very hard and stressful because of waking up early and learning very much but I also think it is very important to build up relations and get friends. Moreover children meet every day other children at school and they can do the homework together. In contrast to that children must learn to do something alone. If you have only your parents as friends it would be boring. And if you don't get on with your parents so good and want to go out you can lieve your home for an hour or something like that.
I want to see my freinds and my class at school every day. Besides I can go out and needn' t sit at home all day and I see my parents but not too much.
All in all I think it is good so how it is.
Words: 317
This piece of text gives a short introduction to "homeschooling", presenting advantages and disadvantages.
(Vorteile und Nachteile des Homeschoolings) (331 Wörter)
(Vorteile und Nachteile des Homeschoolings) (331 Wörter)
von unbekannt
homeschooling | learning at home | pro | contra | english | auf Englisch | Zusammenfassung | Summary | Introduction
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