7 Beiträge gefunden:
1 Dokumente und 6 Forumsbeiträge1 Dokumente zum Thema Similarities:
Two questions about chapter1:
1) There are two examples of a father-son relationship. What are they? What similarities are there? What are differences?
2)The chapter beginns with two deaths and ends with a description of a dead moth. Find out the links! (375 Wörter)
6 Forumsbeiträge zum Thema Similarities:
Meine Englisch Lk Lehrerin hat usn eine Aufgabe aufgetragen die ich, trotzdem ich die GEschichten gelesen habe, nicht wirklich machen kann...
DIe Aufgabe lautet:
Examine the white people´s attitude towards Afro-Americans in the Short stories „Saturday Afternoon“, „The Homecoming“ and „Spring is now“.
Point out diffe..
The origin of language:
The origin of language is a speculative topic. The ability of speaking must have begun between 2 million and 300.000 years ago with the speech of the Homo sapiens. Thus there is a presence of a region of our human brain; this offers a connection to the language of early hominids two million years ago.
Although the th..
The opening speech "The Commonwealth`s new role" delivered by Tony Blair in Edinburgh in 1997 is about his vision to create a new Britain and also a new Commonwealth.
Both must be modernized and must have no racial disparity. He says that Britain and the Commonwealth must be a meritocracy, where nobody is judged by is religion, race or culture. ..
hey leute=)
ich muss in englisch so ne doof frage beantworten un blick es nicht wirklich.. wär lieb wenn ihr mir ein bissi helfen könntet!=9
what were the main differences and similarities between America`s and India`a paths to independence?
dankeschön schonma:)
Hallo, Ich habe einen Text und die Zusammenfassung. Welches Wort fehlt wo die Punkte sind ?
Text :
Count Dracula and all the other vampires we hear about films and books were not really blood corpses. He was a very sick man suffering from rabies. A Spanish doctor has been studying the vempire legends and believes they describe people ..
Kann mir irgendjemand helfen?
Es geht um das Buch About a boy.
Meine Aufgabe ist:
Similarities and differences ---> will and marcus
Könnt ihr mir da ein paar dinge nennen?
Danke schon mal :)