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Welches Wort fehlt ?

Frage: Welches Wort fehlt ?
(2 Antworten)

Beiträge 172
Hallo, Ich habe einen Text und die Zusammenfassung. Welches Wort fehlt wo die Punkte sind ?

Text :

 Count Dracula and all the other vampires we hear about films and books were not really blood corpses. He was a very sick man suffering from rabies. A Spanish doctor has been studying the vempire legends and believes they describe people with the fatal disease.

The symptomes of rabies, caused by a virus which attacks the brain, are for example: dislike of bright light, water aried mirrors, liking for blood and sex and biting. " I was schocked by the similarities between vampieres andrabies victims," Iusn Gomez a hospital doctor inVigo, Spain, wrote in a medical journsl.
Gomez says he also found that there may have been ah outbreak of rabies in Hungary between 1721 and 1728 the time when the legend of Dracula appeared 


The text deals with the possible connection between vampire legends and the fatal disease rabies. The text describes the symtoms of rabies in the outbreak of rabies. The author finds out that vampires show the same behaviour Rabies seems to be possible explanation for the........of vampire legends

LG Melone 1995
Frage von Melone1995 | am 10.01.2015 - 21:51

Beiträge 40306
Antwort von matata | 11.01.2015 - 04:22
Da kannst du einsetzen

Entstehung / creation
Geschichte  / story
Hintergrund / background / backdrop
________________________ - Team

Beiträge 172
Antwort von Melone1995 | 14.01.2015 - 21:19

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