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Secondary schools

6 Beiträge gefunden:

1 Dokumente und 5 Forumsbeiträge

1 Dokumente zum Thema Secondary schools:

Eine Beschreibung der verschiedenen Schulen in Großbritanien - von einem Vortrag. (Primary schools, Secondary schools, Comprehensive schools, Public schools, ...) (508 Wörter)

5 Forumsbeiträge zum Thema Secondary schools:

Es geht um diffences between US schools and Gemran Schools. The Americans first attend elementary school from Kindergarten to 5th grade, whereas in Germany, we attend Grundschule (which means the same as elementary school) from 1st until 4th grade. In Germany we have nothing like Middleschool which the Americans attend from 6th until 8th grade ..
Hallo, kann mir hier jemand helfen? Ich habs mit den rhetorischen Figuren in Englisch überhaupt nicht drauf :-( Hab in Klammern ein paar, bin mir aber nicht sicher. Findet jemand vielleicht noch mehr? Someday soon, surely much sooner (Alliteration) than most people who filled out their Census forms last week realize, white Americans will bec..
Hey, ich hab nächste Woche meine Eurokom Prüfung und ich kenne keinen der mir etwas englisches korrigieren würde deshalb wäre es echt lieb wenn mir jemand das korrigieren würde. A NORMAL DAY AT AN AMERICAN HIGH SCHOOL DESCRIPTION OF AMERICAN HIGH-SCHOOL High schools are well known as typical American schools , but countries like Canada, ..
hallo, da ich nicht der beste im Englisch bin, bräuchte ich jemanden der meinen text korrigieren kann. Hier ist der Text: Bantu Education Act of 1953 In 1953 the South African Government created a law with several aspects of the apartheid system. Before the law was passed, 90% of the black people were on missionary schools, but they were als..
I have completely different experiences than those presented in the article. During the pandemic, I had the opportunity to work in a private language school. Our situation was moderate, some parents allowed their children to attend school directly. It happened because the classes were held individually and the students had no possibility of contact..
Um die passende kostenlose Hausaufgabe oder Referate über Secondary schools zu finden, musst du eventuell verschiedene Suchanfragen probieren. Generell ist es am sinnvollsten z.B. nach dem Autor eines Buches zu suchen und dem Titel des Werkes, wenn du die Interpretation suchst!