Is this good Deutsch
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0 Dokumente und 4 Forumsbeiträge0 Dokumente zum Thema Is this good Deutsch:
4 Forumsbeiträge zum Thema Is this good Deutsch:
Kann jemand das hier kontrollieren?
A few days ago I read a report, which Iconsidered an important issue. For that reason I reflected about thisitem and I would like to present you my thoughts. I am going todiscuss, if students hould be allowed to use their mobiles at school.If it is supposed in geral that most students have a mobile, thelegitimat..
Hallo, ich brauche dringend Hilfe. Ich muss morgen meine Klausurersatzleistung abgeben und würde mich unhimlich freuen wenn jemand sich meinen Text durchliest und mir seine/ihre Meinung dazu sagt und eventuell sprachliche/grammatische Fehler verbessert falls ihr welche seht. :) :)
On the 12thof November Ilayda Berber and I held a..
Bitet Fehler unten in die Kommentare :)
My performance of development of the European Union
The European Union ( abbreviated : EU) is a union ofstates, they follow same goals. The European Union exists since the firstnovember in the year 1993. On this day combined twelve states beneath Germanyto the European Union. Before exists a uni..
Can someone controll this?
Afew days ago I read an act, which Iconsidered an important issue. For that reason I reflected about thisitem and I would like to present you my thoughts.I am going to discuss about the ways toteach a stundent. If it is supposed in general that all people mustgo to school, the legitimate question is:Should you go to hom..